282 & 283 | 名作に関する考察 風邪を引かないローソンファミリー |
short temper 短気 masterpiece 名作 最高傑作 He knocked it out of the park 大成功をおさめる |
284 | 284.[Strange News] クロコダイルダンディーの死闘 | “I’m going to blow your mind. “すごくびっくりするよ symptom 症状 “Crocodiles are very strong and resilient.” resilient=tough, take a lot of punishment 立ち直りが早い take punishment 苦痛に耐える “He’s catching his breath.” out of breath 息を切らして catch one’s breath 息をつく “Serbia wants to boost their economy.” boost the economy 経済を上向きにする “He got a life sentence.” life sentence 終身刑 “He had a problem with his kidney.” kidney 腎臓 |
285 | 285.インド人(エイブ) VS 中国人(エイブ) | “You can take the lion out of the jungle, but you can’t take the jungle out of the lion.” road rage = anger or violence between drivers “I’d say” is giving like your guess. “Let’s say” is more for giving a hypothetical situation. hypothetical 仮説(仮定・仮想)の |
286 | 286.CleanとDirtyのハザマ | 1)水墨画=Arts using nothing but a charcoal ink. Indian ink paintings. Indian ink=墨汁 2)You can only hear the snow crunch beneath your feet as you walk. 歩くと足元の雪を踏み砕く音だけが聞こえる beneath 〜の下に 3)雪見鍋:It’s basically just regular nabe with write dashi and lots of grated daicon. 4)She must be very humble. = She doesn’t brag.5)”I’ve been studying” →Right now you are still studying. Clear that you are continuing. “I have studied” →we don’t know if you are still studying or not. Not clear. Not telling you that I plan to continue. 6)gross out = completely make someone feel sick |
287 | 287.[Strange News]素晴らしい芸術作品 | 1)Sakurajima is just erupting all time. erupt 噴火する 2)pensioner= someone who lives off their pension and is retired, 年金受給者 live off 〜で生計を立てる 3)He feels that KDDI ripped him off. rip off ぼったくる 4)He dedicated his life 彼の人生を捧げた 5)crank call いたずら電話 6)If they are on their period, wear like a badge 生理中にバッジのようなものをつける |
288 | 288. 船上からこんにちは | 1)toss and turn 寝返り 2)lucky bastard 運のいいやつ 3)difference between two words. blame= you “think” something is their fault. “accuse”=you “say” it |
289 | 289. 沖縄・街のほっとステーション | 1)You went out and painted the town red. 出かけて大いに飲み歩いた 2)bender is when you continue drinking for a long time bender=酔っ払い 3)ants in your pants=can’t stop fidgeting fidget=そわそわする 4)break a leg=がんばって! wish a performer “good luck”. 5)here’s my two cents=just my humble opinion 6)Bob’s your uncle=a peace of cake 簡単、楽勝 |
290 | Lawson家の人々 | 1)It’s time to blast off! さぁ、出かける時間だよ! blast off 発射する 飛び出す 2) There are some announcements to make. お知らせがあります。 3) daylight saving = summer time 4) fucked up めちゃくちゃの 5)bullshit<slang> = that’s not true 6) GST & PST 消費税と州税 GST = goods and services tax; federal tax PST = provincial services tax 7)pottery 陶芸 8)very good>great>pretty good>so-so |
291 | 291. [Strange News] ハウス オブ カレー | 1) Time flies when you’re having fun. Time flies like an arrow. 光陰矢の如し 2) I’m pretty strong swimmer. 3) I can fantasize about winning. fantasize:夢に描く |
292 | 292. ボスキャラ再降臨の巻 | 1)Enjoy it while it lasts. 今を楽しもう! 2)genetic 遺伝の 3)skin tone 肌の色 4)I’m a quite a light-skinned person. 私は非常に色が白い。 5)Caucasian 白人 |
293 | 293. スミスの正体 | 1)twist=the story suddenly has a big change どんでん返し 2)There was snow a kind of piled on the ground 雪がちょっと積もった 3)I’m walking to work and getting feet wet in a slushy snow! slushy snow:ぬかるんだ雪 4)below the equator 赤道より南 you can just barely see Southern Cross かろうじてなんとか南十字星が見える 5)It’s a little bit run-down, not sparkly new run-down:老朽化した sparkly:ピカピカで 6)kindred spirits 意気投合 |
294 | 294. [Strange News] イエロー コーン ロード | 1)I’m sitting cross-legged. あぐらをかいて座っている 2)It wasn’t corn on the cob, it was grains of corn grain:粒 cob:穂軸 kernel:穀粒 3)neatly:きちんと 4)Most of the animals are hibernating. hibernate:冬眠する 5)abandon:〜から去る、離れる 6)Sometimes you have to drown your sorrows = Put your sorrows under water drown your sorrows:悲しみを酒で紛らわす 7)ocean polluter:海洋汚染国 8)wheelbarrow:一輪車、ネコ 9)I just start to jam it in my bag jam:詰め込む |
295 | 295. どこでもローソンと現金82円のかぼちゃ男 | 1)fill her up:ガソリン満タンにする 2)tinted windows:スモーク入りの(車の)窓ガラス 3)You are down to your last 82 yen. be down to: 〜に依存している 4)catch 22 situation = you are between a rock and a hard place = there’s no good way to get out of the situation 5)collateral:担保 6)persimmon:柿 7)You’d better go, you’re gonna turn into a pumpkin. carriage:馬車 |
296 | 296. 沖縄の方言とオアズケされたビッグニュース | 1)I’m fired up. ハイテンションになっている 2)it will come when the time is right 時が来たらわかる 3)errand = taking care of small things 雑用 4)she is trying to put me on the spot. put someone on the spot :〜を質問で困らせる 5)use it or lose it 使うか失うかだ 6)You should focus on the things you can control. |
297 | 297. [Strange News] A baby was born… | 1)You are only as old as you feel.Age is just a number. 2)Oh,you are so coy. coy:何も語ろうとしない 3)quadruplets:4つ子 5)bull for breeding = stud bull : 種牛 6)genital:生殖器 7)cattle mutilation: 1970年代のアメリカなどで起きた家畜が惨殺される事件 8)TSA: Transportation Security Administration : アメリカ運輸保安庁 9)holy crap!: なんてこった!信じられない! |
298 | 298. ハグしてもらえますか? | 1)◯I’m bored. I’m excited. × I’m boring. I’m exciting. 2)shaved ice:かき氷 3)whale shark:ジンベエザメ 4)feeding frenzy:エサの奪い合い 5)in his blood:生まれ持って He was destined to be king cherry boy. 6)Birthday is a day you should show gratitude to your mother. 7)piety:忠誠、忠義 (≒ エピソード内では親孝行の意) 8)Do you think I could persuade her? persuade:説得する 9)laid-back person:のんびりした人 10)noble:気高い、堂々とした 11)It pumps jet fuel into my vein! vein:血管 |
299 | 299. エニタイムブラザー爆誕 | 1)shed:流す、こぼす 2)urinate:排尿する 3)I wasn’t used to hanging up my cloth. hang up:かける、つるす 4)Snakes might slither into your car. slither:滑り込む 5)One day I’m gonna hit the jack pod. いつか大当たりするぞ 6)generous=helpful :気前がいい 7)My throat is a little hoarse hoarse=scratchy: しゃがれた 8)subconsciously: 無意識に 9)vaccine: ワクチン 10)accurate:正確な |
300 | 【ワープ】Episode 300!! | Today’s expression & words from #gogoエイブ会話 episode 300 1)4’15” trimester:(主に妊娠期間の) 3 か月間 pregnancy is split into three 2)25’35” dope:薬物を使用する 3)28′ reminisce:追憶する 4)35’55” You should put your nose down and work hard. 打ち込んで一生懸命働くべきだ 5)38’30” There’s no closure. closure:物事に終止符を打つ 6)40’40” that’s the straw that broke the camels back. らくだの背を折った藁 = 我慢の限界7 )1°03’05” commemorate:記念する 8)1°04’50” Throw spaghetti at the wall = to try something 8)1°10’15” turning point ≒ milestone 9)1°18′ 15″ pollen allergy:花粉症 11)1°31’55” I poked fun at him a little bit. poke fun at:茶化す 12)1°40’10” fuck it = forget it, never mind 13)1°48’10” Should we call a night? 今夜はこの辺でお開きにしようか? 14)1°49’10” I’m bummed out:がっかりしている |
301 | 【ワープ回】301. [Strange News] Looking for love(^ー^) | 1)You puff out your feathers. Puff out:〜を膨らませる 2)gold digger:金品を目当てに異性を誘惑する人 3)Stick to your word. 言ったことを守って 4)This guy spat in your pizza. spit:つばをはく 5)prosecutor:検察官 6)The tennis player who had extremely loud grunts. grunt:低いうめき声 7)invasive species:侵入生物種 8)Iguanas are cold-blooded animals イグアナは冷血動物(変温動物)だ 9)They quickly reproduce. すぐ繁殖する 10)You’re gonna see something flapping around. flap around:パタパタ動き回る |
302 | 302. 寝坊の翌日 | 1)-12min It’s not like super packed,but the places like the things that I want to use are always busy. packed:混んだ、人でいっぱいの 2)-20min You have a high tolerance. high tolerance:高い耐性 3)-22min Maybe I should cut back. cut back:減らす 4)-42min It’s a beautiful day today so you might as well go outside. might as well:(できる立場にある時の)やった方がいい |
303 | 303. 覚えている夢、忘れていく夢の話 | 1) 4’ It was really intense. : かなりハードだった。 2)15’30” You are coming out of the closet.:同性愛者であると公表する 3) 19’30” Valentine’s Day is a day that dedicated for love.:バレンタインデーは愛を捧げる日だ 4) 19’30” to ask out their crush. ask out:告白する crush:恋、片思い 5) 20’30” Young people who wait for Valentine’s Day confess their love. confess one’s love:愛を告白する 6)20’30” “Do you wanna go out with me?” means “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” (teenager) We are going out=付き合っている 7) 29’30” “My English is little rusty” means “It’s been a long time” 8) 39’20” I have a problem with diarrhea. diarrhea:下痢 9) 40’ It runs in our family you know, it’s a genetic problem. run in the family:家族に遺伝している 10) 44’30” federal:連邦制の rural:田舎の、地方の 10) 48’30” “Best day of my life.” The sun is shining and I’m breathing. Anything can happen. Now I have those memories plus today. Every day is the best day. Because you have everything good in your life, plus one more day. |
304 | 304. [Strange News] ロシア軍の仰天プロポーズ | 1)6’30” epidemic:伝染病 Pandemic is one level above epidemic. 2)7’ It’s a very densely populated city. densely:密集して 3)8’ They only sell tickets in every other row. 1列おきにだけチケットを売る。 4)13’ He is kind of high-up in a military. high-up:地位の高い 5)15’ He was down on one knee. 片膝をついてひざまずいた 6)23’10” Toilet paper is very bulky. bulky:かさばった 7)27’20” A jellyfish can be somewhat of a nuisance to swimmers or surfers. nuisance = annoying tentacle:触手 8)28’15” venom = poison 9)32’30” equivalent:同じ、同等の |
305 | 305. 複数形と単数形の罠 | 1)3’ You wanted to show off Ishigaki. show off:自慢する 2)8’40” It’s sounds a little molesty. molesty:like a “hentai” 3)13’10” binocular:双眼鏡 4) 13’40” You have to do a long exposure. exposure:(フィルムなどへの)露出 5)13’50” tripod:三脚 6)15’50” You’ve already gone through one pair. go through= wear out :使い果たす 7)16’15” flip-flap = thongs = beach sandals a thong= sexy t-back underwear8)21’ There’s no substitute for the real stars. 本物の星にかわるものはない。 9)25’40” I’m pumped up, I’m totally fired up! pumped up=fired up=very excited about something 10)28’ exactly:ぴったり。perfectly you got it ex. Our 300 episode isn’t exactly 300. definitely: something that is for sure ex. I’m definitely going swimming. 11)57’15” There’s many colors in the rainbow 虹 12)52’40” Wealthier people have a very posh sounding accent. posh:上流階級の |
306 | 306. トイレに紙様は居ないのか問題 | 1)10’40” There’s many absurdity.Vulgar words, swear words, curse words. absurdity:馬鹿げたこと vulgar:品のない swear≒curse:罵り 2)14’55” panic buying:買い占め 3)16’30” You have to buy it, or else you are ●●. 4)18’15” You took like the toilet paper roll like a cardboad and you spat on it, rubed it, made it a little soft. cardboad:段ボール rub:こする 5)19’15” blast:爆発する、吹き飛ばす 6)20’55” flatten out:平らにする 7)21’10” shoved it up your ass. shove:押し込む 8)21’25” shuffle:足をひきずる 9)27’30” Yoshi is always mooching a toilet paper. mooch:~をせびる 10)34’15” crown fish:カクレクマノミ 11)48’30” way to go! = good job! you god this! = you can do it! 12)50’30” Vancouverite:バンクーバーに長年住んでいる人 |
307 | 307. エピソード300回目直前の307回目 | 1)20′ I dug myself into a hole. 墓穴を掘る dig your own grave:自分の首をしめる 2)22′ No one looks at the best all the time.-Abe saying 3)24’15” Everone has their strength and weeknesses. 誰にも強みと弱みがある |
308 | 308. はい!チーズ! | 1)2’10” beak:くちばし 2)4’15” I flew up to his shoulder. fly up to:~へ飛ぶ 3)5’20” It’s very foggy.うっすら覚えている foggy:曖昧な 4)9′ day care:学童 日本でいうデイサービス→assisted living 5)16’30” flock:(鳥の)群れ 6)23’10 please stay safe,stay healthy,take precaution. 7)24′ Where are you headed? ≒ Where are you heading? どこに行くの? 8)26’45 nickname for the toilet: head, john, loo, pisser, shitter, crap 9)34’30” the front of the lowerleg is called shin, the back of the lowerleg is called calf. shin:すね calf:ふくらはぎ 10)56’30” puberty:思春期 |
309 | 309. [Strange News] コロナ ワールド | 1)2’40” quarantine ≒keep isolated (伝染病予防のために)隔離する 2)12’05” People underestimate the power of the mind. 3)13’20” scam≒ tricking people into getting the money. 詐欺を働く 4)19’15 Things get amplified trough social media. amplify:増幅させる |
310 | 310. LMAOの意味とは… | 1)2’10” Ceder pollen gets you right in a nose ceder pollen:スギ花粉 2)5’15” Meybe you have really good cerculation. 多分血流がいいんだね 3)9’50” It’s means overcompensating becanse you are insecure about something. overcompensate:過(剰)補償する insecure:不安な、自信のない 4)14’50” When a police officer gets fired or suspended,… get susupend:停職になる 5)18′ you old hound dog hound dog:ダメ男 6)21’10 微笑み:warm smile 7)21’25” 苦笑い:fake smile 8)22’10” 照れ笑い:timid smile, smile shyly, smile embarrassedly 9)25′ 愛想笑い:laughing to please someone 10)25’15” patoronize = to complement someone to make them feel better 11)26’10” Don’t ptoronize me. I understand my drawing sucks. suck:最悪だ 12)26’55” mean:意地悪な、卑怯な 13)27’35” 失笑:crekets コオロギ。転じて 気まずい沈黙、シーンとしてしまうこと 14)30’20” 爆笑:roar in laughter, burst out laughing LOL=laught aut loud LMAO = laugh my ass off LMFAO = laugh my fucking ass off 15)35’30” I split my sides laughing. “sides” can replace “lungs(肺)” or “gut(内臓)” 16)39’50” hassle = pain in the ass :面倒なこと hustle:頑張る ハッスルする 17)46’20” All my friends are freaking out. freak out: びくびくする |
311 | 311. 「リアル ニュース ジャパン」の警告 | 1)5’40” You have to stick with it. stick with~:〜を続ける 2)15’05” The free bird three hundred T-shirts are officially retired. 300回記念フリーバードTシャツは販売終了しました。 3)26’ Let me give you a piece of advice. 4)51’55” He’s got flavor. flavor≒swagger or confidence and style, fancy and talented swagger:自慢、自信たっぷりな態度5)53’ “cool” is very vague. vague:曖昧な |
312 | 312. [Strange News] パパローソンのストーリー | 1)11’45” Hourly wage is very low. 時給はとても低い 2)12’15” He anonymously left a tip for 10 thousand dollars. anonymously:匿名で 3)16’55” crazy baby snorted cocaine snort:吸引する 4)19’10” You should embrace your passion. embrace = hug :受け入れる 5)20’20” The thing that he’s famous for going inside of like a kind of barrel. barrel:樽 6)24’55” He had to wait for like the winds and the current to carry him across the ocean. current:流れ 7)26’20” What a weirdo! : 変わった人だ |
313 | 313. いくつかある選択肢の話 | 1)3’45” werewolf:狼人間 2)5’35” You’ve reached your limit of living in your car. 3)9’15” I have a sucker from Sendai. sucker:騙されやすい人 4)13’55” It’s a eerie feeling. eerie = strange, something is wrong, something is different 5)20’05” There was just you and Tanaka brabbling the all time. Smith was just like a third wheel. brabble:些細なものについて議論する 6)32’40” It drives me nuts = You make me go crazy 7)41’ Don’t show them how the sausage is made. = there are a number of details that we’d rather not to hear about. 8)44’50” What is at the top of your bucket list? bucket list = a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket kick the bucket = die 9)49’15” We have to do a kind of reconnaissance mission . reconnaissance:偵察 |
314 | 314. 沖縄胸焼青春物語 | 1)3’30” Ring the bell and run like hell ピンポンダッシュ 2)9’50” management fee:共益費、管理費 3)11’10” You are blessed with wonderful people. blessed:恵まれた bless:恵む bliss = pure joy, pleasure, happiness 4)34’20” I’ll give you a sneak peak into my work shop. sneak peak:予告作品、プレビュー 5)41’30” Bears are gnarly, bro! gnarly: やばい 6)43’ whole and all all:(複数を指して、それら)全部 whole:(一つのものに対する)全体 Did you eat the whole cookie? Did you eat all the cookies? Did you eat the whole box of cookies? 7)47’55” Don’t mess with me. からかわないで |
315 | 315. 猫王と美味しいキャットフード | 1)3’05” They are tame. tame:なついた stray cat:野良猫 2)3’25” I hope there are some organizations that spay and neuter them. spay:去勢(雌猫) neuter:去勢(雄猫) 3)5’35” You’re putting me on the spot. put someone on the spot:困らせる 4)6’15” riddle:なぞなぞ 5)10’35” stir crazy = you are in a small place for too long and start to really want to go out 6)19’ gobble them up gobble up = 食べ尽くす がつがつ食べる 7)23’55” the world is your ouster = you can do anything you want, you have many opportunities and possibilities 8)25’40” When life gives you lemons,make lemonade =逆境にあっても負けずにベストを尽くせ 9)32’55” What’s your sign? It’s kind of a cheesy pick-up line. sign:星座 cheesy:つまらない pick-up line = 口説き文句 |
316 | 316. 沖縄ウコンとシミュレーション理論 | 1)0’35” It’s not an insult. insult:侮辱 2)4’55” His accent is very soft and settled. settled:落ち着いた 3)5’05” There was full of dirt and scraggly, kind of roots. scraggly:でこぼこの 4)6’00” He’s got a green thumb. = really enjoy gardening, really good at gardening 5)11’10” My team is behind on the project, I really need to crack the whip. crack the whip = become strict 6)19’45” simulation theory: シミュレーション理論、仮想現実理論 7)23’40” cosmology :宇宙学 astrophisics:天体物理学 8)40’40” You think she is trying to seduce him? seduce:誘惑する |
317 | 317. [Strange News] “The Mad Pooper” | 1)1’25” As close as it gets. = As live as we ever do it. 2)5’40” Give me a break! : 勘弁してくれ! 3)7’55” constipation: 便秘 The opposite of diarrhea. 4)11’00” fairly regularly :かなり定期的に 5)11’35” catch someone red handed = catch someone while they are doing something bad. 6)30’20” In America, they’ve stopped business for non essential things. essential things = you must have it like food,water,toilet paper, even stuff for kids like learning material. 7)31’15” warehouse: 倉庫 |
318 | 318. onto/onとinto/inの違い【解決編】 | 1)5’30” I think it’s a great pass time. pass time means hobby kill time: 時間をつぶす 2)10’05” It(mint) will take over the whole garden. take over:占領する 3)10’20” Don’t mess with mint. mess with:〜に手を出す 4)12’45” I feel like you are using reverse physiology. reverse psychology = you’re saying the opposite of the thing you want to do 5)14’25” They fit together like a puzzle. 正反対の人はよく気が合う 6)21’10” May I ~ : asking for a permission Would you~ & Could you~ : making a request to someone else = please~ “Would you” is a little more strong, stronger way to request 7)26’45” “recently” is the easiest to use. It has the widest range. “nowadays” and “these days” is a little more colloquial used in speech more. colloquial=spoken term: 口語 “nowadays” and “these days” is usually used when there is being a change. ex) “I’ve been going to the gym these days.” means “I didn’t used to go, but now, these days I’m going.” They(“nowadays” and “these days”) are basically all the same. Using them at the end of the sentence is much more common. |
319 | 319. 追いやられたGoGo号と壮大なDad joke | 1)0’55” We are recording two in a row. two in a row:連続して、続けて 2)4’35” landlord:大家さん 3)5’35” So you had to park in a shitty spot. shitty:とても悪い 4)17’25” Hit me with the listener questions! hit someone with something = to tell someone something interesting,exciting or shocking. 5)20’05” spouse:配偶者 6)22’20” “exactly” and “that’s right” “Exactly” is just a little more exact.7)23’15” that’s right < exactly < exactly right 8)27’00” taunting = picking on pick on=いびる、いじめる 9)29’30” I dare you to go talk to her. 彼女に話しかけてみろよ(挑発的なニュアンス) How dare you! よくもそんなことを! 10)30’15” daredevil :向こうみずな人 11)34’20” superduper pooper scooper superduper:非常に素晴らしい 12)35’50” articulate:はっきり発音された |
320 | 320. Dadの歌と白物家電の幸福感 | 1)2’30” You didn’t have any electrical appliances. •electrical appliances:電気器具 2)23’25” I skip the rock on the river. •skip rocks:水切り遊びをする 3)27’40” Happiness is all in your perspective,or in your mind, the way you think. You should be grateful for everything in your life. Then you will be happy. 4)33’30” Just keep blast it away. blast away:(銃を)撃ち続ける |
321 | 321. [Strange News] 人見知り吉アナゴ | 1)2’15” You pull an all nighter = stay up all night until the morning :徹夜する 2)5’45” It was all fake. They got me! •they got me:やられた! 3)8’20” He pulled the car over. •pull over:路肩に寄せる、停止させる 4)13’55” He’s got some chops = He’s got some guts. He’s got some confidence 5)14’15” chop ≒ charisma 6)15’55” Due to the recent situation, many craft breweries are having to throw away , dump out their delicious beer. dump out:捨てる、処分する 7)16’35” If something is pasteurized,it means usually you heat it up to kill the bacteria and make it.So it lasts longer. unpasteurized means raw. 8)23’20” peacock:孔雀 9)25’50” hatch:(卵、ひなが)かえる、孵化する 10)31’30” They postponed it indefinitely. indefinitely:無期限に 11)32’40” It was fake news that went viral. go viral:(インターネットや口コミで情報が)拡散する |
322 | 322. AirPodsの新しい機能と最後まで耐えられなかったヨシ | 1)3’25” goatee is the hair that grow on your chin. goatee:ヤギひげ chin:あご先、下あご 2)4’10” above your lip,between your nose and your lip is called a “mustache“ mustache:口ひげ 3)4’30” A beard is if you have a full from like one ear to the other across your whole face. beard:あごひげ 4)5’00” five o’clock shadow:夕刻に目立ってくるひげ 5)5’15” sideburns:もみあげ 6)10’30” I did a double take. 驚いて二度見した 7)10’50” I couldn’t put my finger on it. = I couldn’t quite understand what is different. 8)25’50” The thing that really drove me crazy is that I lost AirPods in my house. •it drive me crazy =イライラする、怒る 9)31’15” grab & hold on to & seize ①grab:つかむ It can also mean “buy”, “get something” ex)Do you want me to grab your beer? ②hold on to = continue grabbing, keep ex) I forgot my sunglasses. Can you please hold on to them for me? ③seize= take control of ex) Seize him! = Arrest him! seize the moment = go and take the chance. when the opportunity comes, don’t waste it. 10)44’20” I’ve got a bone to pick. 言いたいことがある |
323 | Rock and roll, baby! 蚊によく刺されるヨシの対策 | 1)2’50” Lots of people say that your friends represent empty spots of yourself. 2)4’45” Once in a while,I crave an ice cold plum wine and soda. crave:〜をとても欲しがる、切望する 3)6’00” You are the ultimate brown-noser. ultimate:究極の brown-noser:ごますり、おべっか使い 4)12’30” You’ll be especially vulnerable. vulnerable:傷つきやすい 5)17’00” Pressure makes diamonds. In your life,when you have pressure, it makes you stronger,makes you better,makes you into a diamond. 6)28’30” versatile:多目的な、用途の広い |
324 | 324. さよならパケット / 夏のキングはだれ?の話 | 1)12’20” corridor = hall way = 廊下 2)14’05” Due to the corona virus, internet company can’t come and hook it up. hook up: 取り付ける、据え付ける 3)14’55” They at least reimburse you for the price of the router. reimburse:返金する 4)21’25” phobia:恐怖症 5)22’05” They find any little crack to squeeze through. crack:隙間 squeeze through :無理矢理通る 6)23’15” life sentence:終身刑 7)27’25” class clown = the one kid in class who kind of always tells jokes and makes everyone laugh. 8)29’45” (literary) May you grace as your presence, = If you are going to come, |
325 | 325. [Strange News] お酒を奪うスイカマン | 1) 6:50 It would deter some people. deter:阻む、思いとどまらせる 2) 13:55 sorrow = sad 悲しみ、悲哀 3) 15:20 skyrocket : 急増する 4) 20:30 But she fought it off and survived. fight off : 撃退する 5) 20:55 She’s lived through a lot of things and now the corona virus is just one more thing she has survived. live through : 乗り越える 6) 22:05 The lockdown has been lifted. lift: (禁止令などを)解除する 7) 22:45 But we are over the hump. over the hump: 峠を越えた、危機を脱した 8) 25:00 walk in = customer with no appointment 9) 25:45 If you out in Europe and you look around, all the men have scraggly beards and scuffy long hair. scraggly: もじゃもじゃの scruffy: だらしない、むさ苦しい |
326 | 326. ひとみじいちゃんよ、永遠に。 | 1)2:00 You are young at heart. 気が若い 2)2:15 You have a very sleek, slick haircut. sleek:つやつやした、つやのある slick:なめらかな 3)9:25 electric clippers :バリカン 4)12:05 straight razor:(西洋)かみそり 5)You kind sneak up on me and cut off my ponytail ? sneak up on:こっそり近づく 6)14:20 scalp= native people in North America did. Grab you and chop your head and hair with it. 頭皮を剥ぐ 7)20:30 Hopefully there’ll be some good thing some silver line. silver line:希望の兆し 8)36:35 Dump his ass! = Break up with him! |
327 | 327. エイブ蝶々が羽ばたけばヨシが犬小屋をゲットする理論 | 1)2:55 ground meat:ひき肉 2)6:35 tolerance:耐性 For drugs or alcohol or coffee or anything that your body gets used to 3)8:40 Hold your alcohol = don’t get drunk 4)8:55 He has a high tolerance to alcohol. 彼はお酒が強い 5)10:20 hermaphrodite:両性具有者、半陰陽者 6)19:35 Blessing and a curse :善し悪しだ、素晴らしいことだが困る(大変な)ことでもある 7)21:00 humblebrag:謙虚を装った自慢 humble (謙遜) + brag(自慢) humble = modest 8)24:35 ○make the best of it 自分にとって不利な立場や困難な状況を受け入れつつベストを尽くす ≒ If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. make the best of the situation It’s the best you can do. ○get the most out of it 〜を最大限に活用する This is not necessarily a bad situation. 9)28:20 exposure:露出、さらされていること |
328 | 328. ピクルスの汁にハマるエイブと自室で職質を受けるヨシ |
1) 3:30 Recently I’ve discovered a delicacy. = someting very yummy and dericious, special food. =ごちそうデリカシーがない=He’s not delicate2) 4:25 blow up:ホイッスルを鳴らす3) 6:00 brine:(漬物用)塩水4) 7:15 mascle cramp:筋肉痛5) 14:35 The police come and interrogate you. interrogate:尋問する 6) 21:40 I was getting just a little bit like antsy. antsy:いらいらして、そわそわして7) 23:15 excessive:過度の、行きすぎた8) 26:40 Free birds are breaking free of their masks. break free of:~から抜け出す9) 31:35 safe and sound: 無事に10) 49:30 It’s always abbreviated to “etc”. abbreviate:略する、短縮する |
329 | 329. [Strange News] エイブチ & ヨシシモ | 1) 6:10 Are you using reverse phychology? use reverse phychology: わざと 逆のことを言って挑発する2) 16:30 One of their rules was that they completely banned alcohol. ban: 禁止する3) 19:25 Group of them decided to plan a heist. heist = robbery. but it’s a very carefully planned,carefully done robbery.:強盗4) 21:00 jackhammer:手持ち削岩機 5) 21:10 like a gib elaborate heist elaborate: 入念な、手の込んだ6) 26:25 The people in England nicknamed this rule the bonking band. bonk:(slang) 性交する7) 28:35 The government, in my opinion, having too much control, interfering too much. interfere:干渉する、口出しする8) 31:40 The goverment can’t stop us from being human. We just need to be responsible and sensible. sensible:分別のある |
330 | 330. ○○やめました。 | 1) 3:10 I think that would be an absolutely train wreck. train wreck = big mess ; 大惨事2) 4:15 to wreck something = to damage it beyond repair3) 4:45 If you kind of crash your boat and you get stuck on a island, that called “being ship wrecked”.4) 8:35 empathy = feeling something for someone else or kind of putting your mind inside their mind and thinking from their point of view or feeling their pain, kind of like that.; 共感、感情移入 5) 15:35 You mean, if I’m having empty stomach, I might be realy grumpy? grumpy: イライラした irritable : 怒りっぽい、短気な6) 16:25 I got on the scale, I weighed myself. weigh myself: 体重を測る7)19:40 firm: 堅い8) 19:50 They are kind of the same firmnesses any tomato? firmness:堅さ 9) 33:40 geeky looking guy geeky: ダサい、おかしな10) Hang in there! : あきらめずにがんばれ! |
331 | 331. 夢見るマックダディーと悪夢に叩き起こされる自由鳥たち | 1)2:05 mack= hit on girl, to do it very well :口説く mack daddy = guy who has very attractive and ladies are interested in him2)7:30 My eyelids are heavy. まぶたが重い3)11:55 They tried to rip me off. rip off:ぼったくる4)12:10 They cut the corner. cut the corner:手を抜く、節約する 5)22:05 gregarious: 社交的な6)33:05 “micro” is short for microscopic. microscopic:微細な、極小の7)34:40 diet:国会 National Assembly:国民議会8)38:30 commit a faux pas means kind of like eating rice and you just jam the chopsticks in the middle of the rice or you do something that isn’t socially acceptable. embarrassing mistake about etiquette. faux pas:無作法 commit :してしまう 9)44:25 There is some kind of hatred. hatred:憎しみ、憎悪 French feels that they were oppressed. oppressed:不公平な扱いを受けた、虐げられた10)47:05 Their language evolved. evolve:進化する11)49:00 Eventually the English beat the French and England conclude France at some point and they were back and forth! conclude:完結する12)I don’t wanna people to be cramped in there. cramped:窮屈な、詰め込んだ |
332 | 332. [Strange News] オナラで罰金! | 1)9:30 The man suddenly leaned to the side. lean to the side:横に傾く2)10:35 massive:巨大な3)12:25 If a fart slips out by accident, then the police wouldn’t be mad. slip out:こぼれ出る、すべり出る4)20:55 They are in jail for fraud. fraud:詐欺5)25:00 Some of the games she plays like..I try them ,but they are too intense. intense:強烈な、激しい |
333 | 333. I’ve got a crush on you, baby! 〜惚れたぜベイビー!〜 | 1)9:30 The man suddenly leaned to the side. lean to the side:横に傾く2)10:35 massive:巨大な3)12:25 If a fart slips out by accident, then the police wouldn’t be mad. slip out:こぼれ出る、すべり出る4)20:55 They are in jail for fraud. fraud:詐欺5)25:00 Some of the games she plays like..I try them ,but they are too intense. intense:強烈な、激しい 6) 25:05 It’s not smooth pavement, it’s kind of gravel. pavement:舗装道路 gravel:小石、砂利7) 39:00 So she wants to do an appreniceship at a cherry farm? さくらんぼ農家に弟子入りしたいの?8) 48:50 That’s so bizarre. bizarre:奇妙な、一風変わった9) 50:20 I’ll give you a call and check in on you. check in on~:~のことを調べる |
334 | 334. ヨサシ:スーパー ウェット | 1) 2:45 pour suddenly pour: 激しく降る、降り注ぐ2) 3:45 Are you going to take a chance? take a chance: いちかばちかやってみる3) 4:55 You’re susceptible to motion sickness. susceptible = you are affected by it : 影響を受けやすい4) 13:20 It’s time to hang up the groves. hang up the groves = retire5) 17:15 You bamboozled me. bamboozle = cheat : だます 6) 24:55 I don’t think I was overly rough. overly:過度に rough:乱暴な7) 32:35 I’ll keep track of guesses. keep track of: ~を見失わないようにする8) 39:05 Even though, it was a total fluke. fluke = super lucky9) 40:10 Bring it on! : かかってこい!10) 44:40 Saturday, there’s still room. there is room : 余地がある |
335 | 335. [Strange News] 裸のカウボーイ♪ | 1) 1:40 “slim pickings” means there are not many choices. slim pickings:乏しい収穫2) 6:30 Recently, the naked cowboy had a close call. have a close call : 危機一髪で助かる、九死に一生を得る3) 7:00 The black lives matter are very important movement. Black lives matter: (略BLM) 黒人に対する暴力や構造的な人種差別の撤廃を訴える、国際的な積極行動主義の運動4) 7:10 They are canting and demonstrating near city hall. chant : 唱える 5) 8:35 *Democrats & Republicans 民主党と共和党 Democrats->left states Republicans->right states *Republicans are the party that Donald Trump belongs to. *Republicans tend to more conservative. *Some people think that all Republicans are racist. *Southern states tend to be Republicans states.6) 10:05 It was spoked by some police brutality events. brutality = savage phcical violence : 残虐行為7) 14:10 They called him a traitor. traitor : 裏切者 8)15:45 You have to love your fellowman. fellowman = all people : 人間同士、同胞9) 24:50 His bladder like ripped. rip: 裂ける、破れる10) 25:45 They had to cut him open and sew up his bladder. sew up : 縫合する11)26:40 There’s the man in Tokyo who has become obsessed with lost gloves. obsessed with~: ~で頭がいっぱいである12) 35:50 serial killer : 連続殺人犯 |
336 | 336. 沖繩ビーパと電子メールエチケット | 1) 2:00 You mean, did I get my money’s worth? 元を取ったかってこと?2) 3:05 I was grooving to some funky music, Yoshi-baby! groove to: ~で盛り上がる3) 6:25 But then they silently and sneakily reconnect with your bluetooth and they stop charging! sneakily : こっそりと4) 11:45 Oh, you, son of a gun! son of a gun : なんてことだ 5) 12:55 So you are wearing a bathing suit but you didn’t go in the ocean? bathing suit: 水着6) 17:15 There’s more to it than that. それだけじゃない7) 24:50 And it fills you up. fill up: 食欲を満たす8) 28:40 So he’s wondering what length of email he should write. 9) 29:55 There’s no pleasantry pleasantry: 礼儀上の言葉、あいさつ10) 32:45 She wasn’t a kind of person who would fly off the handle or get easily upset. fly off the handle : 急に怒り出す、キレる11) 39:05 Maybe it’s their way to show you that they don’t want long drawn-out emails. drawn-out: 長々と続く12) 44:50 memory lane: 昔懐かしい思い出 |
337 | 337. 青の洞窟:名前の由来とスターガーデンの新メニュー | 1)0:50 •AKA: also know as2)4:30 They wanted to kind of see if maybe you are a good person to experiment on under the hospital. •experiment on:実験をする3)9:10 You sent me a picture, it was absolutely stunning. •stunning: 素晴らしい、見事な4)10:35 So the waves kind of rocked you back and forth and made you feel a little sick. •rock: 揺り動かす5)19:45 Maybe he joined forces with the doctors. •join forces with〜: 〜と力を合わせる、〜と手を組む 6)23:10 He made ice cream out of onions. •made out of: (材料)から作る7)25:40 It was a delicious and you could really appreciate the pure flavors. •appreciate: 〜の良さがわかる •appreciate the pure flavors: 素材本来の良さを味わう8)27:05 I mean it boggles your mind. •boggle someone’s mind: をぎょっとさせる、びっくり仰天させる9)41:40 big and large *there isn’t much difference in the meaning between big and large. *simple word or more advanced word *little child would not say “large” *”large” is usually used for size *big→much more general description huge & massive *simple word or more advanced word •巨大な→enormous, gigantic, gargantuan *Being able to use massive,enormous,gigantic, it’s just another level to your language skills. *There isn’t really that much of the difference in usage.10)45:20 He has huge biceps. •biceps :二頭筋 |
338 | 338. [Strange News] 泥棒 vs ピザ | 1)6:00 I’m a naked tribe! tribe: 部族、種族2)12:10 This new organization is a basically three different companies that are going to work in synergy with each other. •in synergy with : 〜との相乗効果で3)17:25 He was tossing pizza dough. •toss:軽く放る •pizza dough:ピザ生地4)17:55 A man came into his shop holding a big machete. •machete = really big kかわnife. almost like a sword.5)20:20 He was swinging around. •swing around: 振り回す 6)20:55 But by that time, he was too flustered. •flustered:動揺して、うろたえて7)23:50 A dark smoky bar with just a few regulars. •regular:常連8)24:50 assault rifle: 突撃銃9)25:25 The guy came in has his huge freaking gun. •freaking: (fuckingの婉曲表現)10)31:55 Grim Reaper: 死神 11)32:05 sickle:鎌12)33:55 In Florida, there has Been a huge spike in cases. •spike: 急増 |
339 | 339. 怒りの言葉を練習するノンネイティブな二人 | 1) 5:30 So that’s why it’s insulting to say it to a person. ・insult: 侮辱する2) 6:15 They wag little tales, they lick your face. ・wag: (体の一部を)振る ・lick: なめる3) 12:40 When you are blowing of steam, and complaining about your boss or your mother in law. blow off steam: 怒りをあらわにする4) 13:40 If you say it about a man, it’s usually kind of meaning that he is weak and like he won’t stick up for himself or he doesn’t have integrity. ・stick up for oneself: 自己弁護する ・integrity: 誠実、正直 5) 14:30 If you have a boss who blames the miss, the mistakes or things on his subordinates rather than taking responsibility for his team… ・subordinate: 部下 ・blame: 責める、~の責任にする6) 23:10 I am in crunch time right now. ・in crunch time = before a big event, hurry to get many things done. : 切羽詰まって、必死に仕事をして7) 25:15 sometime it squirts out suddenly. ・squirt out: 噴出する8) 38:20 Your smile is very comforting あなたの笑顔に癒されました。 Thank you comforting me. 9) 46:45 蛾:moth10) 46:55 Did you freak out? ・freak out: ひどくびくつく |
340 | 340. 言い張るワークショッパーと餌付けをするシュノーケラー | 1) 2:10 Pink soaking wet shower shirt. ・soaking wet:びしょ濡れで、ずぶ濡れで2) 2:40 You are dry as abone. ・dry as a bone: (骨のように)ひからびた、カラカラで3) 4:45 literally: 文字通り4) 4:55 And I got to put a lot of names to faces. ・put a name to a face: 顔と名前が一致する5) 5:45 And other people we met two years ago, but it was a first time in ages. ・in ages: 長い間、久しぶりに 6) 12;:05 ・be banned for life: 永久追放される7) 16:20 I got rained on every day. be(got) rained on: 雨にあう8) 18:05 I blasted the air conditioning. ・blast: 吹き付ける9) 19:20 It’s started raining cats and dogs. ・rain cats and dogs = pouring rain, pissing rain : 雨が激しく降る、土砂降り10) 22:31 When I use both airpods at the same time, they often don’t sync up properly. sync up = to connect 11) 26:35 You are pushing your luck. ・push one’s luck: 図に乗る、調子に乗る12) 29:50 You barfed in the ocean? ・barf = vomit, puke, throw up : 吐く、戻す 13) 43:45 14) 46:30 |
341 | [Strange News] ガソリンで消毒? | 1) 4:50 Doesn’t my voice sound a little bit scratchy? ・scratchy: かすれ気味の、しゃがれた2) 9:00 worrier: 心配性3) 11:40 It’s easy to kind of lose track of how much you are drinking. ・lose track of~: ~の現状がわからなくなる4) 17:50 suddenly you see this guy kind of flashing his junk. ・flash: ちらっと見せる(変質者などの突然の行動) ・junk = nickname of genitals5) 18:40 That’s my man! = さすが! 6) 20:20 You can crash a zoom party with a farm animal. ・crash: (パーティなどに強引に)押し入る、押しかける7) 23:00 Last year, he said that he cured himself from being gay. ・cure: 治す、治療する8) 26:25 Lysol is like alcohol disinfecting spray. ・disinfect: 消毒する9) 27:10 If you dip it in gasoline, that son of the bitch covid won’t stand a chance. ・stand a chance: ひとたまりもない、手も足も出ない 10) 28:00 lunatic= crazy person11) 31:45 They followed the fox back to his den. ・den: 巣 |
342 | 342. GoGo的忍者コスチューム | 1)3:10 Usually board shorts have a drawstring, maybe a velcro fly. •drawstring = string you tie at your waist :ギャザーのある衣服の腰などをしめる引き紐 •velcro:(商標)面ファスナー、マジックテープ •fly = the part of the board shorts that opens up in a front : 前チャック2)4:30 When someone’s fly is not done up… “Hey, your fly is down.” “Your fly is low.” “Your fly is open.” “Do up your fly.”3)15:40 You’ve been tossing and turning. •toss and turn: (眠れなくて)寝返りを打つ 4)17:05 Hiding, popping your head out. You ninja sneak around Don Quijote. •pop one’s head out:ひょいと顔を出す5)21:15 There are very few critical cases these days. •critical case:重症者6)34:00 •prostitute: 売春婦7)43:55 Tell me about it. :その通り。よくわかる。8)44:45 He lost it. He snapped. He flipped out. He lost his shit. = get angry 9)46:35 Some young people like to sag their pants. = They like to wear their pants low.10)48:25 •damn = sent to hell (元の意味) <感嘆詞>怒り•非難、落胆•失望、驚き・感動、同情 •Where are damn masks! → express his anger and to say something very strong11)51:30 I got my money’s worth. •get one’s money’s worth =払ったお金に見合うだけのものを得る、元を取る |
343 | 343. PREMIUMエピソード紹介と抜き打ちダッドジョーク | 1)1:40 The rainy season ended, and I very exactly went out into the sun!2)10:05 I was really bummed out = I felt a little bit down •bummed out: がっかりした3)13:10 appliance: (家庭用)電化製品4)18:15 So you are on a separate island. •separate island: 離島5)19:40 So is today a kind of recon mission? •recon mission = reconnaissance mission: 偵察行為(ここでは”下見”の意) 6)26:40 He leaned over and he was drinking the water. •lean over:〜に身を乗り出す7)29:00 Oh, do you mean the gorilla that spank the lion right on the ass? •spank:(尻を)たたく8)37:45 janitor:(学校などの大きな建物の)管理人9)40:25 hall of fame:栄誉殿堂、偉人10)42:50 How neat! 素晴らしい!素敵! |
344 | 344. [Strange News] 街中のベースジャンパーズ | 1)1:20 Don’t worry! We’ll keep you company. You can always count on the old dawg, Yoshi & Abe. •keep someone company: 〜と一緒にいる、〜のそばにいる •dawg:仲間2)5:25 •skyscraper:超高層ビル3)5:45 •daredevil:危険を犯す人、向こう見ずな人4)6:00 •base jumpers = kind of like skydivers except they don’t use an airplane. They jump off very high cliffs or jump off tall buildings.5)11:15 It caught on something and he was dangling from his parachute. •catch on:〜にひっかかる •dangle = hang from :ぶら下がる 6)18:30 When the fire department arrived,Liu was just kind of chilling there, stuck in the well with him arms crossed. •chill: 落ち着く、くつろぐ •stick in : はまり込む7)20:00 •bean:角材8)21:50 Both his legs has to be amputated. •amputate: 切断する9)22:55 •prosthetics leg: 義足10)23:55 His adrenaline was pumping. •pump:噴出する |
345 |
345. 東北魂を忘れていない(はずの)ヨシと上手すぎたエイブの仙台弁 |
1) 4:15 How delightful! ・delightful:楽しい(想像すると笑顔になったり気分がよくなるような「楽しい」を表したい時に使うことが多い)2) 5:40 You’ve crossed the line. ・cross the line:一線を越える3) 6:15 ・indecent exposure:公然わいせつ罪4) 8:35 double dip:二度漬けする はしごする=to go to a second place, third place… To keep the party going 5) 11:30 There are only two things in life that are certain. No.1 is “death”, and No.2 is “tax”.6) 32:05 imposer = scam artist:詐欺師7) 33:00 すぐそまっちゃう人:chameleon = someone who very quickly changes to match their surroundings. Yoshi is a chameleon. He is fit right in down in Okinawa. ・fit in:~溶け込む、なじむ8)38:25 ocean and sea Ocean is very big. There are only 4 oceans in the world. The sea is the ocean where kind of comes between two pieces of land. |
346 | 346. すべてはメンタルで乗り切ることが出来るか問題 | 1) 1:00 When I heard the flush at the end, It caught me off guard. ・catch someone off guard : 人の不意をつく = I was a little surprised. 2) 1:45 The first time I called you “dawg”, you seemed a little bit insulted. ・insult : ばかにする 3) 2:20 sensitive ⇔ thick skin ・sensitive:傷つきやすい He or She has a thick skin = They are not easily upset, or sad. you can say anything to them 4) 4:10 empathetic: 共感できる、感情移入できる 5) 6:40 fret: 心配する 6) 7:35 I’m so happy that I went through with it. ・go through with:(困難なことを)やり遂げる 7)8:25 extreme athlete ・extreme:究極の 8) 12:15 insane:常軌を逸した 9) 14:50 feat = challenge ・accomplish a feat = overcome a challenge :偉業を成し遂げる 10) 18:30 He wowed us with his magic tricks. ・wow :あっと言わせる 11) 19:55 電柱:power pole, telephone pole 12) 26:45 History repeat itself :(諺)歴史は繰り返す 13) 27:40 ・water-resistant:耐水 it can stop or repel water temporarily. ・waterproof: 防水 it won’t let water through. It is tougher. 14) 28:40 It looks like I gave my iPhone one too river bath. ・one too many times:何回も~しすぎて 15) 34:10 Digital data is all made up of binary code. ・binary code:2進コード 16) 44:45 Bollywood:インド映画 Bombay + Hollywood 17) 49:00 ・diversity:多様性 ・melting pod = very diverse placeVarious cities in Canada have an ice hockey team. The cities have a lot of diversity.This menu has various Japanese foods. This menu has a diverse selection of Japanese foods.When I enjoyed at the swimming pool of the hotel in Ho Chi Minh, a old lady who came from Australia asked me, “Where did you buy it? Japan? Oh–! I’ve never seen like this before. It seems very convenient!” She took a picture of it. Why don’t you use it, Abe? |
347 | 347. [Strange News] 先生!やめて下さい!! | 1) 4:55 These guys have these big tree trunk legs. ・tree trunk: 木の幹2) 16:05 ・ventilation system:換気装置3) 16:25 ・malfunction: 正常に機能しない、誤作動する4) 21:10 合宿: training camp5) 24:50 eyewitness: 目撃者 6) 26:55 ・tear someone a new asshole:(vulgar slang)すごいしかられる7) 34:45 ・fungal:菌の ・microbiome:細菌叢8) 35:25 ・gut:消化管、胃腸9) 37:55 ・fecal transplantation:(糞便中の腸内細菌叢を移植する治療法)糞便移植 |
348 | 348. 思い出し笑いの真相と価格交渉術 | 1)1:15 •pervert: いやらしい目つきで見る、変態的行為をする2)2:40 kinky=outside of the normal stuff <俗>(性的に)異常な、変態の3)5:45 Oh no! You found me out! ばれちゃった! •find someone out: 正体を見抜く4)10:35 burst out laughing :爆笑する5)17:55 You said you accused me of being a kinky dirty dog. •accuse〜of being:〜を・・・呼ばわりする •dirty dawg:<下劣なやつ> 5)18:25 My finger are crossed. = I’m hoping for a good result. 幸運を祈る。6)22:45 常連:regular customer7)27:55 You can’t just wipe the memory. •wipe:消し去る8)30:20 I think the art of bargaining or negotiating is to make a deal that is good for both people. •art: 能力、技、術9)50:20 I was surprised how accurate the subtitles are. •accurate: 正確な |
349 | 349. Teacher Talk! & Take Time vs. Spend Time | 1)2:35 It barely hit the main island. ①graze = barely hit something ex) A bullet grazed my forehead. ②graze = chew on grass When cows are in a field, eating grass,that’s also called grazing.2)4:00 You stock up on supplies? •stock up on:買いだめする •supplies:必需品、食糧3)5:15 Japan is rather prone to natural disasters. •prone = tendency it often happens :〜しがちな、〜する傾向がある4)11:15 •house musician:専属ミュージシャン5)13:10 •crack the whip むちをならす 6)17:15 I have a sleep spindle. •sleep spindle:睡眠紡錘波7)19:45 toilet anxiety •anxiety:心配、不安8)21:40 •vulnerable = unprotected:すきだらけで9)23:20 Your pants are undone. •undone:ほどけた10)27:00 We are going to pump out a lot of episodes until October. •pump out = produce more of something 11)28:45 —Body parts expressions— •pain in the neck = hassle•I have a ichy feet. = I’m going stir-crazy. = always going somewhere. •put some elbow grease into it. = work hard! •You don’t have to twist my arm. •pulling my hair out = very flustered •poke your nose into someone’s business:〜のことに口出しする “spend time” is more active. ②take time = reserve time for something Add on 14:00 |
350 | 350. [Strange News] ロケットマン! |
1)2:20 Yoshi is ready for business twenty-four seven. •twenty-four seven:24時間年中無休で→いつも、しょっちゅう2)8:05 •fear of heights:高所恐怖症3)13:25 •approximate:おおよその4)30:25 •shrink up:縮み上がる5)31:00 •hypothermia:低体温症 |
351 | 351. 二人が浮かれるロボットと離島の家 | 1)1:50 反抗期:rebellious phase •rebellion:反抗2)8:35 It docks with it’s charger. 充電器にドッキングする3)9:20 Turtles sometimes kind of bash each other, right? •bash = hit something:ぶつける4)9:50 They kind of ram their shell into the other turtle. •ram:〜を激しくぶつける5)13:45 •compartment:(全体の中の)部分、一部6)27:55 Even though you’ve got a house, you are gonna hit the road again. •hit the road:出発する7)33:55 穴があったら入りたい= I just want to crawl into a hole.When you feel really embarrassed, “I just want to crawl into a hole and die.”8)38:10 eat and drink and have•“have” can be used for eating or drinking. •“have” doesn’t have any kind of image attached to it. •“drink” can sound redundant. The verb and the noun is the same word. Ex) How many drink did you drink? •redundant:余剰の、不必要な |
352 | 352. 【驚愕】ブーメランパンツの別名 | 1)5:30 The stars aligned perfectly. •align:一列に並ぶ = you get very lucky and everything is perfect2)虫除けスプレー:mosquito spray = bugs repellent •repel = push them away3)16:20 •slather:〜を大量に使う4)21:50 •banana hammock = boomerang pants = speedos5)30:40 Let’s bang out some of these listener questions •bang out = do something quickly. 6)31:15 arrows and spears 弓とやり7)35:20 she’ll see the flickering of fire from a far away. •flickering:ちらつき8)41:05 Because of the corona virus, instead of shaking hands you can fist bump with people. •fist bump:グータッチ 9)43:45 •blow it up:爆発させる10)44:20 He was trying to claim himself the king of summer. •claim oneself:主張する11)46:30 Maybe he moons his butt. •moon:(俗) 尻を出して見せる |
353 | 353. [Strange News] A Very Bad Cat | 1)1:05 It’s overcast. = it’s cloudy.2)2:45 At first, the new shape of my microphone, it kind of put me off. •put off = bother;不快にする、うんざりさせる3)17:00 Can you name all the countries of the United Kingdom? •name= 〜の名前を挙げる4)21:30 He just wanted to show off his snake skin mask. •show off: 見せびらかす5)21:45 •smuggler:密輸(業)者6)23:05 •contraband= illegal things :禁制品7)24:10 The prison guards took the smuggler to a interrogation room. •prison guard:看守 •interrogation room:取調室8)27:30 •prison cell:(刑務所の)独房9)41:45 “Get busy living or get busy dying” 「必死に生きるか、必死に死ぬか」 -from the Shawshank redemption10)42:10 I’m calling out Gifu! •call out:呼びかける |
354 | 354. 時間に追われてるエイブ | 1)3:30 That’s insane! = That’s crazy! •insane: 常軌を逸した、正気とは思えない2)4:10 We got a little bit loose. •get loose: ゆるむ •get pretty loose:酒を飲んですっかりできあがる3)14:25 I was already really pressed for time. •be pressed for time:時間に追われている4)14:40 I didn’t have any time to spare. •have time to spare:時間に余裕がある5)17:15 Are you being a little bit sarcastic? •sarcastic:皮肉な6)21:30 You can almost always trust that your belongings are safe in Japan. •belongings:持ち物7)24:50 •venison = deer meat8)28:10 •gamy:(猟獣の肉が)匂う9)38:45 死んだフリをする = play dead 10)39:00 Because the bear’s natural instinct will be to chase you. •instinct:本能11)41:30 •astonishment = to just see something where you can’t believe your eyes , like your jaw drops. 12)42:30 |
355 | 355. エイブ流の若さを保つ方法 | 1) 3:30 Where you only eat for short time each day, so within an 8 hour window. ・window:時間帯、時間枠2) 4:55 fountain for youth:若返りの泉3) 6:10 placebo effect:プラシーボ効果4) 7:55 When you say something out loud, often it will come true. And if you say something again and again, you’ll start to believe it. And when you believe it even if you know it’s not true, your body will react to your mind. Your body will follow your mind. It’s all mental!5) 11:55 So then I’m 35, I’ll reassess my feelings, and I’ll either start to count for again or I’ll go all the way back to 30. ・reassess:見直す 6)13:10 I’m not insecure about getting older. ・insecure:不安な7) 23:00 ・introverted:内向的な8) 24:30 But when the sun is shining, it’s still quite warm and pleasant. ・pleasant:快適な、心地よい(天気のいい気持のいい日に使う)9) 25:45 ホタル:firefly, lighting bug(米)10) 26:10 ・errand = little things you have to do :(屋外での短距離移動を伴う)用事11) 29:25 ・unscrew:蓋を回して外す 12) 37:30 13) 40:15 14) 42:70 15) 44:00 “forbid” has a kind of religious nuance. “prohibit” has legal, organizational, institutional nuance. “ban” has wide range, harsh nuance. completely getting rid of it. |
356 | 356. [Strange News] “Good things come to those who wait.” | 1) 3:00 ・plexiglass:(商標)プレキシガラス = plastic glass, see-through plastic wall 2) 3:40 ・pope = the leader of the Catholic church 3) 4:00 ・bulletproof glass:防弾ガラス 4) 7:15 It’s time to get pumped up, Yoshi! get pumped up = get exited 5) 7:40 Yikes! Usually you say it when you are surprised or even a little scared. 6) 12:30 ・dorm = dormitory :寮 7) 16:55 They had to take the dryer apart. ・take apart:(機器などを)分解する、ばらばらにする 8) 17:05 エコノミークラス症候群:deep-vein-thrombosis(深部静脈血栓症) 9) 17:35 She just feels like an idiot 悔しい!(自分がバカみたい) 10) 24:35 ・diploma:卒業証書 11) 25:15 Better late than never:遅くても何もしないよりはまし 12) 26:30 The last strange news just reinforces, just tells me even more, at my way of playing the lottery is correct. ・reinforce:(証拠などにより考えや意見を)強固にする、強める |
357 | 357. 負けるな俺たち!言語学習あるある | 1)5:00 And they have a fierce rivalry. 両者は熾烈な競争状態にある。 •fierce:激しい2)7:55 So you would give me the cold shoulder if I ate Yamagata’s imoni ? ・cold shoulder:塩対応3)10:00 •skewer: 串4)13:15 •gutter:(道路脇の)側溝 •ditch:溝、水路 = usually in a countryside, it’s not covered any things.5)15:25 •to ditch something or someone = to leave them6)18:45 Do your feet or legs fall asleep? •fall asleep:しびれる7)20:40 •双眼鏡: binocular8)22:20 •peep : のぞき見する9)25:35 •hard pass = definitely no thank you 10)27:55 With your eyes, dum dum! •dum dum:ばか、まぬけ11)32:25 学童:day care (after school day care center) |
358 | 358. エイブの萌日本語と「急がば回れ」が意味するモノ |
1)1:30 chirp:(動)鳥や虫がさえずる (名)(チュンチュン、のような甲高い)鳴き声2)2:45 You mean, crows tend to gather at abandoned buildings? •abandoned building:廃墟3)8:00 Haste makes waste: 急いては事を仕損じる、急がば回れ4)10:00 •soak up:吸い上げる = when something spilled, you use a cloth or paper towel to soak it up.5)12:40 •drawer:引き出し 6)14:50 I’ll let you know if I get a way with it or not. •get a way with it: 処罰を免れる7)18:25 •spick-and-span: とてもきれいな、きちんとした8)21:50 •bug zapper: 殺虫灯9)28:45 I don’t follow you = I don’t understand you10)34:00 “to let” usually means to allow. “let know” has evolved to mean tell. •evolve:進化する |
359 | 359. [Strange News] ジェフリー!おい、ジェフリー!! | 1)9:10 I wrung it out. = I soaked it in water and I twisted it like you get water out. •wring our:(濡れたものをしぼって)水分を取る2)16:10 vigorously:元気に、精力的に3)21:20 So the ticktockers are banging in the back ground. •bang= have sex4)21:35 “Ticktocker’s unexpected raunchy scene in the background.” •raunchy= overt sexial, x-rated :ひわいな •x-rated:成人向きの5)24:55 And she catches it in the corner of her eye. •in the corner of one’s eye= 視界の片隅で6)29:10 •dominatrix: (SMプレイの)女王様7)47:35 •suspended:停職なった |
360 | 360. 東北ボーイズ & アクション忍者 |
1) 8:55 Sendai is a fairly big city, but it’s small enough that you often bump into people that you know. ・bump into:人とばったり出会う ・fairly: まあまあ2) 9:50 ・Eskimo brothers = you have the same ex-girlfriends.3) 12:50 Taking a walk down memory lane = to remember happy time in the past. : 過去の思い出をたどる 4) 16:45 So they have awamori like on tap, kind like a beer? ・beer on tap:生ビール5) 17:05 What dose Yoshi do when he gets completely wasted? ・get wasted:酔っぱらう6) 26:00 Where there is the will, there is a way.: 為せば成る7) 32:00 Look before you leap: (飛ぶ前に見よ) 転ばぬ先の杖8) 38:40 「がんばってください」 to podcaster “Keep up the good work.” “Thanks for the free contents.” “I really enjoy your episodes.”9) 41:30 You worked under-the-table. ・under-the-table:不法の10) 44:05 You can do many manual labor job. ・manual labor:肉体労働 |
361 | 361. 凹んだヨシと家の壁 | 1)3:50 I’ve had it on the back burner. •on the back burner = saving it for later2)6:00 •sweater:トレーナー •hoodie:パーカー3)21:05 If you lean back or sit in a wrong place, it will kind tip over? •tip over:ひっくり返る4)28:50 So you saw her off, but after that, you should have join! •see off:見送る 5)29:50 As they left, a wave of sadness washed over your naked body. •wash over:(感情が心に)押し寄せる6)31:10 •berry button:おへそ7)36:10 •meek = shy or timid :おとなしい8)36:40 Use it or lose it. = 使うか失うかだ9)41:00 She is a homemaker who loves foreign dramas. •homemaker:主婦•主夫 10)47:45 •crunch time = when you are rushing and trying to do something right before it happens.11)48:20 Was there a time when everything just seemed to click. •click: 分かる、ピンと来る |
362 | 362. [Strange News] アラジンの魔法のランプ | 1)2:25 I love dirty old man song, so I can sing it by heart. •by heart:暗記して2)3:50 Of course the reason is the mail-in voting. •mail-in voting:郵送投票3)4:05 The American postal system just couldn’t handle it and couldn’t get it all on time. •handle:処理する、対処する4)6:45 The anti-Trump people might riot and go crazy and break windows and steal things. •riot:暴動を起こす 5)7:15 loot a store = break the windows and steal all the stuff •loot: (戦争、暴動などに乗じて民家、商店などから物を)略奪する6)11:10 •anonymous:匿名の7)11:45 •con = to trick someone and steal their money :詐欺、ペテン師8)14:30 •dumb-ass:(スラング)大バカ者9)22:00 One of his bitches gave birth to a litter of puppies. •litter: (動物の)一腹の子、一緒に生まれた子たち 10)26:35 Right away she had a very kind a mean look on her face. •mean:意地悪な |
363 | 363. 鬼の……猫の居ぬ間にボーイズナイト | 1) 1:35 When the cat is away, the mice will play.:鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯2) 6:20 We would very primitively cook meat on fire. ・primitively:原始的に3) 9:00 The role was reversed = The tables were turned : 立場が逆になる4) 9:10 I got to just stumble over into my bed room and fall asleep. ・stumble over: よろめく5) 13:35 I was in the zone editing on the train. ・in the zone : 完全に集中して6) 14:35 So I slammed my laptop shut. ・slam:バタンと閉める 7) 16:15 It was a close call, but I had my wallet, I had my bags, I was ready for check in. ・close call: 危機一髪8) 33:00 ・alumni: alumnusの複数形。 以前の仲間、同窓生9) 34:30 Her pronunciation of vowel and “R” sounds are spot on. ・be spot on: 完全に正しい10) 44:15 some girls would dress quite provocatively. ・挑発的に、刺激的に11) 45:10 ・midriff: 上腹部 bare midriff: へそ出しルック 12) 49:15 13) 49:30 14) 49:50 15) 50:25 16) 52:40 |
364 | 364. 鳴らない電話と壊れたメガネ | 1)3:45 So you don’t get up, you just wake up at 5 in the morning. •get up: 横になっている状態から起き上がること •wake up: 寝ている状態から目が覚めること2)4:30 •night awl:夜更かしをする人3)7:40 The early bird gets the worm.:早起きは三文の得 First come first serve.:早い者勝ち4)10:55 海水パンツ=board shorts, bathing suit5)11:50 You are out there bobbing around in the waves, paddling around, but maybe you didn’t choose a calm area. •bob around:上下に揺れる6)18:00 Don’t kick yourself. •kick oneself:自分を責める7)24:55 Tocinmash is on a hiatus. •hiatus= long break 8)30:15 People are apprehensive about joining an event. •apprehensive:悪いことが起こるのではないかと心配している、おそれている 9)30:40 I do take precautions, when I do a workshop, make sure that the venue is not full. •venue: 開催地、会場10)34:15 •chin= only peak of your jaw, tip of your jaw •jaw:あご •tip:先、先端 |
365 | 365. [Strange News] バースデーベア | 1) 9:05 He saw a light pole that was broken and had fallen over. ・fall over:倒れる2) 9:40 ・hot dog: (満足、賛成、喜び、意気込みなどを表す) しめた! やった! すごい! ありがたい!3) 20:55 A bear is a very opportunistic. ・opportunistic: チャンスを逃さない4) 21:40 Especially around this time of year, they are trying to eat as much as possible before they hibernate for the winter. ・hibernate: 冬眠する 5) 26:40 ・bromance: (brother + romance) 性的な関係はない、男同士の親密な関係6) 27:45 Sri Lanka is an island, so fishing is very important. And it’s staple of the Sri Lankan diet. ・staple = main part : 主要な ・diet: 食生活7) 30:25 Also the price of fish has plummeted. ・plummet= drop very quickly : (価値、価格などが)急落する |
366 | 366. 吉晴子 & エイブリーナ boom-boom POW! |
1) 4:20 It like sucks the water up and then you shoot it out of the board and it lifts you up. ・shoot out of~:~を飛び出して行く2) 6:45 I have been zipping around, zooming around town. = going here and there, sending my “are you rolling” goods packages.3) 18:00 ・vein:静脈 ・artery:動脈4) 19:40 water off a duck’s back = when you don’t care about something = having thick skin = you are not easily insulted. (カモの背の羽毛は油性で水をはじくことから)何の効果もなく、周りの意見や批判に影響されない 5) 22:00 recentlyとthese days・recently: wider ・these days: usually used when you are expressing that something has changed. ex. Many people are disappointed because Yoshi doesn’t wear boomerang pants these days.6)26:05 ・gender discrimination: 性差別7)28:30 I drive all the men crazy.: ・drive crazy: とりこにする8) 30:30 ・curvy: 曲線美の9) 36:30 ・dusk: 夕暮れ |
367 | 367. 君も今日からエブって行こうぜ! | 1) 3:15 You were planning to see him off at the bus stop, but you couldn’t leave him. ・see off: 見送る2) 7:45 He flexes his butt muscle. ・flex: (筋肉を)動かす3) 13:05 I always just keep track of everything in my mind. ・keep track of~: ~の記録をつける4) 14:10 ・cut corners = cheat to save time or save money5) 15:20 ・script : (スピーチなどの)原稿6) 16:55 The door frame is like just high enough. ・just enough: ちょうど、ぴったり7) 18:00 I tried to cut corners, and I payed the price. ・pay a price: 報いを受ける8) 19:35 I still have even like five days later, I was bleeding a little it. ・bleed:出血する9) 23:00 ・Haste makes waste. 急いては事を仕損じる10) 24:20 ・scar: 傷跡 11) 29:00 12) 30:05 13) 31:30 14) 31:30 15)40:25 |
368 | 368. [Strange News – R指定] “Welcome to F**king” | 1)1:55 When you check the weather on an English weather application, it often says the real temperature and it also says feels like and says another temperature. -3, feels like -10.2)4:45 •vegetarian = only eat vegetables •pescatarian = eat fish and vegetables •carnivore= only eat animals (肉食) •herbivore = only eat plants(草食) •omnivore = like human who eat both (雑食) •cannibal =食人3)27:00 The only thing left was sawdust . •sawdust:おがくず Someone took like a chainsaw, when you cut woods, the kind of crumbs. •crumb:くず4)27:35 •stump:切り株 |
369 | 369. Smoking! | 1)4:50 Was it love at first sight? •love at first sight:ひとめぼれ2)10:55 •become habitual:習慣になる3)17:05 In North America, we call it tin foil. •tin:錫(すず)4)29:20 •hot chick = sexy girl5)35:29 “You got it” has 2 meanings ①confirming the understanding ②to confirm an order. I’ll do it for you. It can be used to confirm that I’m going to do something that you want.6)37:30 I got it = I understand7)42:30 Sometime it’s totally fucked up. •fuck up:大間違いをする8)44:15 •warm someone’s heart: (人を)喜ばせる |
370 | 370. 雪合戦の季節ですねぇ | 1)4:50 So I go into SEIMS, reached into my pocket to get my mask. •reach into:〜に手を突っ込む2)7:45 Only thing you hear is kind a crunch of your feet in a snow. •crunch: 雪を踏みしめる音、サクサク3)10:30 And he followed me down the road and videoed me and right up until he hit me with a snow ball. •right up until:〜直前まで4)12:10 Do you mean did I retaliate? •retaliate:仕返しする5)13:25 We did like a draw. •fast draw:西部劇の決闘シーンでお馴染みの早撃ちを、安全かつ効率的にスポーツ化したもの。6)21:45 So I came in, “I came here to save the day!” •save the day:なんとか危機を乗り切る7)23:15 •fluster:狼狽する、動揺する、慌てる8)28:40 I got a work out, and it all worked out in the end. •work out = ① exercise ② go well9)43:30 •permanent residency:永住権10)44:40 •tuition:授業料 11)45:25 |
371 | 371. [Strange News] ミステリアス チャイナ〜 | 1) 3:40 working remotely = working from home = telework2) 4:00 Many people have to have meeting s all day long on zoom. ・all day long: 一日中3) 9:50 In this small village, there is an ancient form of kung fu. ・form: 流派4) 10:55 ・crutch (crotch) = groin = the area between your legs :股間5) 15:15 ・groin shot = low brow : ベルトの下への打撃6) 21:50 fertility festival: 豊年祭 ・fertility: 子孫繁栄 ・fertile = to create new life : 繁殖力のある7) 25:50 Maybe Yang is a bit spoiled. ・spoiled: 甘やかされて育った8) 28:15 He reached out his hands and touched Yang’s chest. ・reach out: 手を伸ばす9) 32:15 He is just a bastard. ・bastard: いやな人、ひどい人10) 32:55 There is a collage in China, where they’ve made a machine, basically a man can experience what a period pain feels like. ・period pain: 生理痛 11) 36.50 12) 38:20 |
372 | 372. リピートアフターミー!/Why /aren’t /you /here? はいどーぞ! | 1) 0:40 ・chant = to get excited like “エイエイオー!” 2) 1:05 ・pump up: ~を熱中(熱狂、興奮)させる 3) 1:45 You march to the beat of your own drum.: 我が道をゆく = do your own thing 4) 3:10 I have a bone to pick with you. ・bone to pick with= there is something I want to talk about. : ~に対する苦情 5) 5:30 ・triumphant return: 凱旋 6) 12:25 I got your back = I’ll support you : 私がついてるよ 7) 14:10 You can’t go back on your word. ・go back on one’s word: 約束を破る ・your word = your promise8) 14:30 I promise = I give you my word = you have my word 9) 18:55 have guts = have balls = be brave = have courage 10) 20:55 I’m coping with cold weather. ・cope with: 耐える 11) 27:05 I knocked it over right onto my keyboard ・knock over: ひっくり返す 12) 29:40 I was admiring my beautiful keyboard. ・admire: 称賛する 13) 30:45 Everyone has strength and weaknesses. No one is perfect.14) 32:20 She dented the car. ・dent: ~をへこませる 15) 39:20 You are swimming with the sharks now. = playing with other serious people = you are in a serious situation, and you are competing with other serious people. 16) 40:25 It’s time to pull your bootstraps. •pull oneself up by one’s bootstraps:独力でやり遂げる 17) 41:50 ・provincial exam: 州の統一試験 18)44:45 I am a very good test taker. ・test taker: 受験者 19) 51:50 off-color humor: 下ネタ |
373 | 373. [Strange News] クレージーサンタ | 1)0:45 strange news in person. •in person: 直接会って2)2:35 I’m starting off into the distance. •start off into the distance = 遠い目をする3)4:15 I only have 3 strange news story. So we will bang them out. •bang out: ババっと片付ける4)6:10 He is in his paraglider, in a Santa suits, and he has bags full of candy canes! •candy cane:杖の形のアメ5)9:15 I guess he started flying a little bit too low, he hit the power lines. •power line:電線6)9:40 Luckily he didn’t get electrocuted. •electrocute:感電死させる7)13:55 Eventually, he flipped out. •flip out = go crazy : ぶち切れる、気が変になる8)14:20 The airplane was taxiing. •taxi:航空機が地上を走行する、陸上をゆっくり進む9)14:35 Eventually, he grabbed the emergency door, ripped it open •tip open: 裂き開く inflatable slide •inflatable:膨らませることができる10)19:25 She was sitting all by herself. •all by oneself:ひとりぼっちで 11)19:45 12)30:45 |
374 | 374. 大晦日で対面でウェットで! | 11)33:35 The quality goes down, gets blurry. •blurry:ぼやけた12)36:40 •day dreaming = zoning out = mind is off in space = absent minded •zone out:朦朧とする •absent minded:上の空の13)39:25 follow your instincts •instinct : 本能、直感14)42:05 “I’m gonna go on a date with your sister!” “In your dreams!”+L93 “You wish!” •in your dreams = you wish : 無理でしょ! 嘘でしょ!(相手が未来に起こって欲しいと思っていることに、絶対起きないと伝えたい時に使う)6)15:40 •watch your head:頭上注意 •watch your step: 足元注意7)17:20 •concrete resolution :具体的な目標8)19:25 I made it a little bit tongue-in-cheek •tongue-in-cheek= not serious: 冗談、おふざけ9)22:50 He went straight to the top. いきなりトップに迫る10)26:50 Yesterday I declared the AirPods were finished. •declare: 宣言する11)33:35 The quality goes down, gets blurry. •blurry:ぼやけた 12)36:40 13)39:25 14)42:05 |
375 | 375. スノボを滑るエイブとジョークが滑る夢占い師ヨシ | 1) 1:10 I’m falling back in love with snowboarding.2) 7:35 You hear like crickets. ・crickets: しーんとしていること3) 13:00 I had had a few drinks and I passed out on the sofa. ・pass out: 意識を失う、酔いつぶれる4) 14:05 It was very long and very twisted. ・twisted: 変な、倒錯した5) 17:45 There was foreigner, walking up and down the arcade, seemingly taking to someone and he looked very agitated. ・seemingly: 一見したところ ・agitated: 動揺した、興奮した6) 25:00 I just hunch. ・hunch: 予感がする 7) 25:20 So you wanna analyze my dream at all or any meaning? ・analyze: 分析する 8) 29:20 ・bystander = onlooker : 傍観者 9)32:25 ・jaw-dropping: (下あごが下がり口をぽかんと開けた状態)びっくり仰天の 10) 33:20 ・descriptive: 説明的な 11) 34:15 jaw-dropping に似た意味の単語 ・astounded ・astonish ・startled * more like scared * to be startled = surprised and a little scared11)続き ・stunned * to be stunned = to be shocked you can’t even move. ・awe awesome の awe * you’re in awe = when you see that something amazing, you can’t even talk * amazing = awesome * to be in awe = when you see something really good or cool or amazing ・you scared the shit out of me: めっちゃびびった ・knock someone’s socks off in a good way (良いことをして)とても驚かせる・knock someone’s dick into the dirt12) 38:25 ・beat (knock) the shit out of = to beat someone really badly : ボコボコにする |
376 | 376. [Strange News] 火炎放射器で雪かき | 1) 1:45 We are starting from clean slate to 2021! ・clean slate: 白紙の状態2) 3:30 ・snow shoveling: 雪かき3) 4:45 ・flamethrower: 火炎放射器4) 7:10 The rocket man has been spotted again. ・be spotted: 発見される5) 13:40 ・screen door: 網戸6) 16:15 You mean spitting acorn at people? ・spit: 吐く ・acorn: どんぐり7) 17:05 The first worry is that the squirrels might have rabies. ・rabies: 狂犬病8) 8:25 ・bleed: 出血する9) 21:25 Dogs are also carnivorous, but they have evolved more, to be able to eat other food. ・evolve: 進化する10) 21:45 If you look at wolves which are genetically identical or almost identical to dog, wolves and dogs. ・be identical to: ~と同じ ・genetically: 遺伝子学上 11) 23:50 12) 27:05 13) 28:20 14) 29:00 15) 33:15 |
377 | 377. 懐かしいエピソードはYouTubeにて♪ | 1)1:15 I’m taking a walk down memory lane. •take a walk down memory lane: 懐かしい思い出にひたる2)7:45 Recently I have been blown a way by the accuracy of you tube’s subtitle generation. •blow away: つくづく感心させる3)10:45 But maybe when you speak, it either won’t make subtitles or it will occasionally make some weird words because it misinterprets your Japanese as English. •occasionally: 時々 •misinterpret: 誤解する、〜と誤って解釈する4)13:45 •porkchop: 豚肉の切り身(トンカツに使うようなロース肉)5)15:00 •fish flakes: かつお節6)18:50 Oh, you think I’ll eat it too much and get sick of it? •get sick of: うんざりする7)24:15 •saucy ≒ sexy : わいせつな8)26:55 •comfort food: 食べるとホッとする(心の安らぐ、元気が出る)料理 makes you feel a little nostalgic and safe and warm. |
378 | 378. 秘密は誰にも言わないでくださいw | 1)2:55 I’ve been basically bedridden. •bedridden: 寝たきりの2)4:45 The snow gets compact. •compact : ぎっしり詰まった3)6:50 Maybe I’ll play just a little teaser. •teaser= just a little sample: じらし広告 •tease: いじめる。からかう4)13:55 You had a small tear and you sprained it . •sprain:捻挫する、くじく •tear:裂け目、割れ目5)14:35 •torn: tearの過去、過去分詞形 •ligament: 靭帯 •tendon: 腱6)16:55 It was starting to swell. •swell: 腫れる7)25:20 Fire has been lit. •lit: light の過去、過去分詞8)30:40 •cross-dress: 男装する、女装する9)31:30 double cross: 裏切り10)32:55 •elect= to vote, to choose someone by voting : 選ぶ •erect = stand up :建てる、立てる 11)39:35 |
379 | 379. [Strange News] 逆境から希望は生まれるのか…の検証 | 1)6:05 Don’t be so hard on yourself.2)13:35 They have imposed they’ve made some very strict rules. •impose:課す、強いる3)13:50 •curfew: 門限4)21:55 •squat down:しゃがむ5)22:20 •pocket dial = butt dial : (ポケット内で)誤発信された電話6)25:45 •Ferris wheel: 観覧車7)36:45 The some reason, we have a leap year. •leap year: うるう年 |
380 | 380. ケーキにロウソクを立てる意味を知ってますか? | 1)2:55 They chopped his balls off = they neutered him •neuter: 去勢する2)5:25 What would you rate my performance?3)15:20 She is putting in the work. •put in work = put a lot of time and hard work in = 力を注ぐ4)22:05 To get the freshest rice ball, you reach all way to the back and take the rice ball from the deepest position, from way in a back. •all the way to : 〜までずっと、はるばる〜まで5)27:50 Before you say this, I’m just going to recap. •recap: 要約する6)34:35 •to be bold = strong, brave, not afraid : 大胆になる •to be bald :禿げる7)36:35 Netflix and chill = come over to my house, lie on the sofa together, watch Netflix and …. (夜の婉曲なお誘いを示す場合がある)8)39:50 Do you want to come up for a nightcap? •nightcap=the last drink of the nightFrom YouTube of dad jokes 9)8:45 Because diarrhea runs in your jeans(genes). •gene : 遺伝子 •runs in your genes = runs in your family |
381 | 381. ポコポコにやられたエンディング | 1)5:30 I think you are settled in Okinawa. ①settle somewhere = make that your permanent spot. ②settle = make a deal(especially for court)2)7:50 •settle out of court :裁判沙汰にしないで解決する、示談する3)8:40 •artificial grass: 人工芝4)9:25 You are getting ready for all the visitors once the state of emergency has been lifted. •lift: (禁止令などを)解除する5)11:50 Everything will fall into place. •fall into place: 落ち着くべき所に落ち着く6)17:30 Were you drenched in sweat? •drench in sweat = completely covered in sweat drench : びしょ濡れにする、水浸しにする7)19:15 •thoroughly: 徹底的に、じっくり、とことん8)27:00 ①turn down = refuse :断る ②turn down : 下げる9)29:30 One step at a time: 一歩ずつ10)33:35 Japanese people tend to be a lot more kind a humble about their strengths and their abilities. •humble: 謙虚な •strength: 強み、長所 11)34:35 12)36:05 13)44:45 |
382 | 382. [Strange News] P***s cakes & HOLLYBOOB | 1) 0:55 Today I have quite a few strange news stories. ・quite a few = plenty, more than enough2) 5:45 I guess the old ladies, they wanted to spice things up. ・spice up: (より面白くするために)~にひと味添える3) 6:25 ・girlfriend For lady, you can say girlfriends just mean friends. Men can’t do the same thing about friends. 女性の言うgirlfriend = 女友達 男性の言うboyfriend = 彼氏4) 12:00 Unfortunately, many religions kind of hold women back. ・hold back = to stop somebody from doing something : 妨げる5) 16:55 ・birthmark : 母斑6) 17:45 ・Surprise me! : 楽しみにしてるよ!7) 23:50 ・cast away : (孤島などに)置き去りにする8) 24:25 There’s the, as you mentioned, the famous iconic, Hollywood sign, it’s up in the hills. ・iconic: 象徴的な9) 25:40 ・holy: 神聖な、聖なる ・holly : モチノキ10) 26:10 ・holy cow! : なんてこった! 11) 29:10 12) 29:30 13) 30:30 14) 33:10) 15) 36:40 16) 37:10 |
383 | 383. Euphoric Feelings! (高揚感) | 1) 2:55 It has been snowing on and off for a few days. ・on and off : 断続的に2) 3:55 The warm days are starting to outnumber the cold days. ・outnumber: より数で勝る3) 4:25 It might be cold, but I’m not letting the winter get me down. ・let~get one down: ~に落ち込む、くじける * I don’t let it get me down: くじけない4) 4:40 The other day, I got back on the horse = to start doing something again, to try again.5) 6:15 ・back the wrong horse = support the wrong thing or person6) 10:30 Ans then, you start sliding down the mountain and you have a feeling of great happiness and euphoria. ・euphoria:強い高揚感 = beautiful feeling, happiness, bliss, euphoria ・bliss: 至福、無上の喜び7) 15:20 When you get back in touch with nature, it gives you a kind of rush of euphoria or gives you a very kind of intense feeling of happiness. ・rush:ほとばしり ・intense: 激しい、強烈な8) 20:25 But actually on the teacher talk channel, it’s not censored. ・censor: 検閲する9) 21:45 ・jump into the deep end: いきなり新しい成果に飛び込む、清水の舞台から飛び降りる = to start doing something, not start slowly. ・dip your toe into the water: 新しいことを慎重に始める10) 26:05 ・syntax: 構文 = the order of words 11) 30:50 12) 32:50 13) 34:50 14) 34:55 15) 36:30 16) 40:00 |
384 | 384. エコバッグの中身と起死回生のマグカップ | 1) 3:00 ・エコバッグ: reusable bag2) 5:05 And Mrs. Lawson came up, suddenly, slapped me on the shoulder. ・slap: ひっぱたく3) 7:35 ・shoplifting: 万引き4) 8:00 ・close call: 危機一髪5) 9:40 ・セルフレジ: self check-out6) 16:55 ・curiosity: 好奇心7) 20:50 That’s the Japanese intensity scale. ・intensity scale: 震度階8) 23:15 Maybe I drive her crazy sometime. ・drive someone crazy: 怒らせる9) 31:40 Many people think “tanuki” is a mythical creature. ・mythical:想像上の10) 33:15 rabbit: うさぎ bunny: 子うさぎ、(幼児言葉)うさちゃん hare: 野うさぎ cony: 穴うさぎ 11) 36:55 12) 37:05 13) 37:40 |
385 | 385. [Strange News] 嘘を”ダブルダウン”するロシア人の奥様 | 1)4:15 •this-party seller: 第三者販売業者2)7:35 •compactor: 圧縮機3)7:50 In the garbage track, they have like a chopper, like a grinder. •chopper:ぶった切る道具 •grinder: 砕く道具4)12:20 And one very brave Chinese police officer put one handcuff on himself and put the other hand on the guy. •put handcuffs on: 手錠をかける5)16:40 Maybe I should come clean. •come clean: 白状する = to tell the truth.6)17:40 She doubled down on her lie. •double down on:(betting expression) 〜に倍賭けする7)21:35 •miscarriage: 流産8)24:30 Then her spider web of lies all came unraveled •unravel :(計画などを)ダメにする9)24:55 •spin a web of lies: うその話をはりめぐらせる •spin a web: クモが巣をかける10)25:40 So her web of lies all came crumbling down. •crumble down: 崩れ落ちる 11)26:40 12)35:20 13)35:45 |
386 | 386. Job色々(後半R18) | 1)4:25 I learned Japanese like in a very condensed way. = I studied really hard for a short time. •condensed: 凝縮された2)6:10 What is happening way down in this beautiful southern island of Okinawa. •way down: ずっと下に3)12:20 イス取りゲーム:musical chairs4)13:20 Do you mean like a big metal barrel like what serial killers use to put dead bodies in? •serial killer: 連続殺人犯 •barrel: たる5)13:50 You are going to try to brew beer. •brew: 醸造する6)16:15 It’s like a rod that you put in the drum and you plug it into the wall and it heats the drum up. •rod:棒7)25:40 You know, mass meat production having huge cow farms, creates a lot of green house gases, especially gas called methane which is from farts. •green house gas:温室効果ガス •methane:メタン8)27:10 •flatulence= the scientific way to say “farts” 動:flatulate9)29:35 The gas gets absorbed into your blood, through your, you know the tissue in your lectin, and the gas is released in your lungs. •absorbed:吸収された •tissue: (細胞の)組織 •lectin: レクチンSo of course there’s no smell that’s stuff stays around your butt, but the actual gas gets released,goes get soaked into the blood and then dropped off in the lungs, and you expel it when you breath. •expel: 吐き出す 10)38:35 11)41:20 12)44:10 |
387 | 387. 失敗したワイン節約方法 | 1)4:25 Try to expand my horizons. •broaden(expand) one’s horizons: 視野を広げる2)5:35 But usually wild salmon, it’s healthier because they don’t use antibiotic and stuff. •antibiotic: 抗生剤3)6:30 業務スーパー: wholesale supermarket4)7:45 Something caught my eye: (人の)目にとまる5)12:25 Maybe it was getting late but I was still refilling my glass. •refill a glass:グラスにおかわりを注ぐ6)13:25 I had a Mediterranean dinner the other night, I cooked mussels for the first time. •mussels: ムール貝 •Mediterranean:地中海7)16:15 •on tap: (酒樽などに)飲み口がつけられて8)18:20 You have a nice fancy wine glass and a bottle and you pour little bit and you swish it around in your glass and you take a little sip in you…smell it,sip it and make love to it. •swish 〜around in a glass: グラスの中で回す9)21:45 You gonna buy a bunch of them. •a bunch of : たくさんの10)24:25 You are the part of food chain. •food chain:食物連鎖 •apex predator:(食物連鎖の)頂点捕食者 11)30:45 12)40:00 |
388 | 388. [StrangeNews] 嗚呼アリゾナよ… | 1)0:55 •forehead:おでこ •brow:眉、額2)5:15 Do you think they are doing good job getting people vaccinated? •get vaccinated:予防接種を受ける3)5:40 •side effect:副作用4)7:45 I think business is a little bit desperate to get customers to come. •desperate:絶望的な5)8:15 It seems like the vaccine is very readily available to Israeli. •readily = easily6)11:15 •duffle bag = big canvas bag7)11:55 •give someone a clue: (人に)ヒントを与える8)12:20 •clip : 弾倉 = the thing that you put the bullet9)13:00 The best guess is probably it was a something to do with the Mexican drug cartel. •drug cartel: 麻薬カルテル10)15:50 •fentanyl:フェンタニル= a hundred times stronger than morphine. 11)19:05 12)21:40 13)21:45 14)22:00 15)22:25 16)28:00 17)35:05 18)35:45 19)36:55 |
389 | 389. 遭難するGoGo丸と北斗神拳を使うエイブ | 1) 0:55 Are you on cloud nine? ・on cloud nine: 最高に幸せで = to be over the moon, to be seventh heaven2) 2:15 I feel like a million bucks: 気分が最高である ・buck = dollar3) 9:55 You’re gonna pee on it ・ pee on : ~におしっこをかける4) 10:50 You load on the boat for the first time, out into the vast open ocean. ・open ocean: 外洋5) 14:15 The propeller came off? ・come off: 取れる、外れる6) 15:35 You are stuck out there in the ocean with no propeller ・stuck: 動けなくなった、立ち往生した7)20:35 You kind a drift with the current ・drift with the current: .流れとともにただよう8) 23:00 A boat can be a what we call “money pit”. You have to continue to throw money down the money pit. ・pit = hole ・money pit : 金食い虫9) 22:40 He only used the boat 3 times and freaking propeller came off. ・freaking : ひどい、いまいましい11)24:45 It’s a very interesting experience to get stranded off in the ocean. ・get stranded: 立ち往生する 12) 25:30 13) 27:50 14) 36:25 15) 40:55 16) 47:50 17)51:15 |
390 | 390. Yoshi Came Home! | 1)5:40 Actually I’ve ordered a mic stand, but it’s on back order. •be on back order: 入荷待ちの状態である2)9:45 •rip a fart: おならをする3)13:20 Everyone can appreciate that level of passion and expertise. •expertise: 専門知識4)15:20 Whatever floats your boat. = Whatever turns your crank. = To each one’s own. : 人それぞれ、十人十色5)17:00 That sounds very sensual. •sensual: 官能的な、性欲をそそる6)17:35 •get one’s mind out of the gutter: 低俗なことを考えるのをやめる7)18:05 Give me a break! : もうやめてくれ!8)18:50 •plastic surgery: 整形手術 = cosmetic surgery9)21:25 Especially when I’m tired, my right eye kind of droops and my left eye is more open. •droop: 垂れ下がる10)30:55 oral promise = verbal promise : 口約束 11)31:35 12)38:45 |
391 | 391. [Strange News] 爆発的イケメン鮭さんの末路 | 1)2:40 You got to fiddle with P8 a little bit. •fiddle with: (指で物を)いじくる2)12:30 •sea urchin: ウニ3)12:45 Maybe the most outrageous name change, one guy changed his name.. •outrageous: とんでもない4)17:30 Sushiro will always kind of have a sour taste in his mouth. •leave a sour taste in one’s mouth: 悪い印象を残す、後味が悪い5)18:10 •bitter sweet: ほろにがい = it’s like something is good , but something also bad about it.6)22:30 Because you are anticipating, you are waiting excitedly. •anticipate: 〜を期待して待つ7)23:30 Because he was holding the bag, that held the pizza box in it, he was holding it vertically. •vertically:垂直に8)24:00 And the pizza just fell out onto the pavement. •pavement: 鋪道9)25:00 He clumsily, kind of stuffed the pizza back into the box, and he picked up crumbs and the pieces, to kind of hide the evidence. •clumsily :不器用に •crumb:かけら10)32:35 He put it like on the bunk bed. •bunk bed: 二段ベッド 11)36:10 12)37:20 13)39:25 |
392 | 392. 昨日より今日、今日より明日はベストデー!で生きて行こうぜ | 1) 1:45 Recently when you visited Sendai, there was something that I noticed, that really made me realized, that you don’t belong in Tohoku anymore. ・belong in: ~に属する2) 3:40 ・bare feet: はだし3) 20:35 “Better than yesterday, not as good as tomorrow” means “the next day is always a little bit better.”4) 21:45 By the time you die, you are shooting up to heaven on a rocket ship full of rainbows and stars!5) 25:10 Just like alcohol and many other things, substances, you build a tolerance. ・substance: 物質 ・tolerance: 許容範囲6) 27:05 Having a coffee, especially if your tolerance is low, it can really give you that jolt of energy and really wake you up. ・jolt: 〈俗〉酒の強さ[効き目]、一杯、一口7) 29:55 ・beater: おんぼろ車、ぽんこつ車 = old beat up car8) 40:00 長袖Tシャツ: long sleeved T-shirt9) 42:10 We have a loose plan, we’ll figure it out soon. ・loose plan: ゆるい計画 |
393 | 393. ご近所へのご挨拶回りとエイブの布教活動 | 1)3:15 •international issues:国際問題 2)4:20 He was the kingpin of the crocodile mafia. •kingpin: 中心人物 3)6:45 I’m glad to hear that your heart was racing. •my heart is racing: ドキドキする 4)12:10 We kissed and made up. •make up:仲直りをする 5)12:35 We hankoed many documents. •hanko:ハンコを押す 6)14:05 •mortgage:住宅ローン 7)15:00 Finally we decided on a detached house, not an apartment. •detached house:一戸建て8)16:20 We checked about the culturally appropriate presents to your new neighbors.9)18:55 We are gonna do it for every property that borders us. •property: 地所 •border:〜に隣接する10)19:15 Behind us,to the side,and then kind of there’s one that kind of diagonal. •diagonal:斜めの11)24:40 You know there’s other fees like the installation fee etcetera. •installation fee =取付費用 12)28:30 From the great prefecture of Hyogo, which stretches from the Pacific Ocean all the way to the Sea of Japan.13)29:10 自分の思ったことをすぐ言っちゃう = very frank, very curt, very direct, doesn’t think that much before she speaks, she blurts it out. •curt: ぶっきらぼうな、素っ気ない •blurt out:〜を思わず口走る14)32:50 He wears his heart on his sleeve. = he doesn’t hide his story . •wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve:心のうちを率直に話す15)33:45 To blurt out a reply. = someone says something and you just automatically answer without thinking.16)36:45 Nice of you. = you did something nice, you are nice Good for you = I’m happy for you, you did a good job “nice” often means “kind”. Nothing to do with appearance.17)43:10 It’s the thought that counts. 大事なのは気持ちです 18)44:05 19)50:45 20)52:20 |
394 | 394. [Strange News] 牧師さんのご乱心 | 1)2:25 Eventually they came a drain. •drain: 下水管、排水溝2)3:20 •storm drain: 排水管3)3:35 She’s covered in a dirt and mad and she’s scraped up, she god scrapes, cuts all over her body. •scrape: (動)傷つける、(名)すり傷4)4:25 •canal:用水路5)6:10 Florida is a very low lying state. The land is sea level , lots of swamps. •swamp: 湿地6)8:15 I’m sure she was a little malnourished. •malnourished: 栄養失調の7)10:55 Priest have to be celibate. •celibate = no sex : 禁欲主義の8)11:15 It comes in the news sometimes that priest was using a prostitute, or whatever. •prostitute:売春婦9)12:15 And she thought, may be the priest is working hard on the alter. •alter:祭壇10)12:55 You hit the nail on the head. まさにその通り 11)15:05 12)15:25 13)20:55 14)23:05 15)24:35 16)34:55 |
395 | 395. 終わるコーヒーポットと始まるエンディング | 1)7:20 I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. (ベッドの左側から起きるとその日は縁起が悪いという迷信から) 寝起きが悪い、機嫌が悪い2)7:30 I didn’t feel good my face felt kind like puffy. •puffy: むくんだ、はれた3)8:25 You are not yourself today. •be not oneself:本来の自分ではない、落ち着かない4)9:30 •utensil:(主に台所の)用品、器具 ex. knives and forks5)15:55 •warehouse:倉庫6)15:15 Let’s look on the bright side. 物事の良い面を見る7)15:55 •warehouse:倉庫8)18:10 You have to make it happen. •make it happen:実現させる9)26:20 I could see him lying down. He’s trying to be sneaky, but I was up high, so I could see him, and I popped him in the leg. •pop:撃つ10)28:40 That’s when they really blew up. •blow up= to suddenly become popular 11)34:25 ring the bell: ピンとくる 12)36:05 13)38:50 14)41:10 •pastor = kind of priest. In charge of a group of people According to my research , 15)47:15 16)50:55 |
396 | 396. 未然に防がれた引っ越しトラブルと明かされるYouTubeライブの日程 | 1)4:25 Moving is a great time to get rid of clutter and things that you don’t want anymore. •clutter: がらくたの山2)19:40 •sleepover party: お泊まり会3)15:55 •red flag = warning sign: 危険信号4)33:05 ①私もその本を読んだ ②私はその本も読んだ I also read that book I read that book too I read that book as well ①は、「l」を強調する ②は、「that book」を強調する5)39:20 It’s not good to be an overbearing parents, helicopter parents. •overbearing: 高圧的な、威圧的な •helicopter parents: 過干渉 byな親6)42:50 If there’s the guy who’s always getting bossed around by his wife, or a wife who makes all the decisions, there is the way to say, that we say “she wore a pants.” •boss around: 威張り散らす、偉そうに命令する •she wear the pants = she’s in charge; 尻にしかれる、かかあ天下 •He’s whipped = henpecked: 尻にしかれた |
397 | 397. [Strange News] バズりそうな洞窟に入ったら… | 1) 4:40 I must admit I am enjoying a beer. ・must admit:認めざるを得ない2) 5:15 I’m drinking my cheap hon-kirin. It’s my go-to beer since I became a free bird. ・go-to beer:よく飲むビール (go-to:頼りになる、間違いない)3) 5:50 You know when you’re walking or driving and you are coming to a train crossing, the traffic arms go down and the lights go… ・traffic arms: 踏切遮断器 = crossing gate, (豪) boom gate (I can’t search this word. boom barrierかな?)4) 9:10 ・drawbridge: 可動橋、はね橋5) 10:45 He drove through the traffic arms, and drove over the bridge as it was going up. ・drive over the bridge:車で橋を渡る6) 11:10 He drove his car flew over the bridge. ・fly over: 飛び越える7) 11:25 He decided to just go for it. ・go for it: 目標に向かって進む8) 14:00 So the video is a little bit of a letdown. ・letdown: 期待外れ9) 15:45 You are saying that Tik-Tok has recently been monetized? ・monetize: ~を収益化する10) 17:30 I guess she’s kind of feeling around in the dark. ・feel around: 手探りで捜す 11) 20:10 12) 21:00 13) 22:15 14) 26:30 15) 27:10 16) 28:15 17) 29:20 19) 33:15 20) 37:55 |
398 | 398. 使い分けが難しい!(Regular, Usual, Common, Normal, Ordinary) | 1) 1:15 It makes me cringe. ・cringe:(動)ドン引きする、ちぢみあがる ・cringy(形)非常にきなまりが悪い ・clinch: <ボクシング>クリンチする 2) 14:05 I think I was able to calm them down or I was able to talk my way out of it ・talk one’s way out of:~をうまく言い逃れる 3) 15:05 They still haunted my dream. ・haunt: つきまとう 4) 16:05 I’ve never been in debt. ・been in debt: 借金がある5) 22:55 You’ve hole yourself up inside and you are just gaming all day recently. ・hole up: 隠れる、立てこもる 6) 26:10 Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one and all stink. = I don’t want to hear your excuse. 7) 32:55 ① regular: often use when you talk a bout things, size. 語源:according to role regularのregは「ものさし」→「規則的な」普通。 ② normal: don’t use about size. ex. normal coffee; nothing fancy, just black, just regular beans. 語源:according to the square. 「大工さんのもの差し」からきている→「正常の」「規定の」「標準の」 ③ usual: very close to “common”. 語源:in use. いつもどおりで変わっていない「普通」④ common: everyone knows and uses. 語源:「共に持つ」「共通の」→「普通の」「ありふれた」⑤ ordinary: it’s in the regular form. it’s not outside of the order 左右両方向矢印 extraordinary 語源:according to order order=順序 。「平凡な」という感じの「普通」8) 42:50 Maybe one day Ben and I can loop you into a conversation. ・loof someone in: 仲間に加える9) 45:35 He is history = he is dead. He’s gone forever. |
399 | 399. 引っ越したエイブ と 3日連続ドラムカンヨシ | 1) 5:15 いじる ・pick on: からかうようなことを言っていじめる ・make fun of:からかう、物笑いの種にする ・push someone’s buttons:怒らせる2) 6:20 It’s another milestone event. ・milestone = big and memorable thing in life3) 7:20 Our mutual friend, someone we both knew, who we used to work with in the night club. ・mutual:共通の4) 8:15 A flatbed kei-truck will do the trick. ・flatbed:平台型の、平床の ・do the trick: 目的を達する5) 9:35 We had to do 3 trips.= we had to go there back 3 times. 3往復しなければならなかった6) 11:15 sloppy:ぞんざいな、ずさんな7) 15:15 deposit:敷金8) 18:20 We couldn’t be happier.= 最高に幸せ9) 20:50 There is a scientific study that shows drum-can 風呂s eliminate the corona virus. ・eliminate:撲滅する10) 22:15 ・intimate: 親しい 11) 24:05 12) 24:40 13) 25:20 14) 31:55 大雑把で不注意な「ズボラ」は、「sloppy」 |
400 | 400. Episode 400! (Part 1) | 1) 5:30 I was running around like a chicken with his head cut off.=バタバタしている2) 11:25 It’s our milestone 400 episodes, so we are going to get a little bit loose. ・get loose = to drink, relax, and act very carefree3) 12:20 ・nail clipper:つめきり4) 18:15 ・left out:仲間はずれ5) 28:50 I’ve been constantly putting things together. ・put together: 組み立てる6) 36:20 I add a little sting on the end. ・sting: 釘、とげ7) 51:40 It looks so fucked up. ・fuck up: (卑俗) ひどい |
400. Episode 400! (Part 2) | 1) 2:00 It feels like you are in a fishbowl. ・in a fishbowl = completely exposed: 人目にさらされて2)5:50 ・game changer = revolutionary. changes something forever. some new technology or something that changes the way people think or people do.3)11:00 For me, that was a game changer because it opened up a whole new, kind of, river of possibility. ・open up:広げる、切り開く4)18:05 I’m down for anything. down = to agree, to be ready5)19:40 ・hater : アンチな人 = speak hate, hate all day long6)20:25 People who are haters perhaps they have some kind of deep discontent or deep sadness in theirs. ・discontent 不平、不満7)23:40 I got a little bit of buzz. ・get a buzz on: ほろ酔いの = tipsy8)23:45 I must say it is bummer that were not live. ・bummer= sad, disappointed : がっかりな、残念な9)25:20 Even thought my job was to plan, I would say you are more of the tech guy, so when it comes to our failure, to livestream, I would say we are both at fault. ・at fault:責任がある10)30:50 In Japanese culture, it’s more important to show that you have humility. ・humility:謙遜 11)31:25 12)32:10 13)32:20 |
400. Part 3! The Final Chapter… | 1) 7:05 結婚とは=sacrifice and compromise 自己犠牲と妥協2) 8:15 This street is very quiet. = There’s not a lot of trafic.3) 9:40 ・plaque= wooden piece:飾り額、額4) 15:45 You should keep some storm supply. ・storm supply= survival kit, disaster kit: 防災用品5) 18:45 Finish it off! ・finish off = ~を食べ(飲み)尽くす6) 26:05 Dad, you totally fuck the joke up. ・fuck up: (卑俗)やりそこなう、失敗する7) 30:00 For him, it was like “Oh shit! I’m fucking bold as fuck!” ・as fuck = totally, completely ex.) I’m drunk as fuck.8) 35:10 fucking A = fucking ace: すごい、たまげた9) 36:40 ・worth every penny: 大変値打ちがある10) 38:30 He is a dipshit = he is stupid ・dipshit= ばかもの、あほ 11) 38:45 12) 44:25 |
401 | [ワープ] 401. 400回記念配信のその後とStrange Newsと。 | 1)0:40 Marphy’s Law strikes again. •strike: 襲う2)4:50 •aftermath: 余波、影響3)6:20 •布団= firm mattress •掛け布団= cover, blankets, duvet duvet = thick blanket4)9:35 人の噂も75日 A wonder lasts but nine days. Rumors die quickly.5)13:40 Pool noodles are like the long floating styrene foam things that you have in pool. •styrene foam: 発泡スチロール6)17:50 No one’s going to come and battle you with such a lame challenge. •lame: (俗)ダサい7)20:50 But when he bends down to pick it up, whack in the head. •bend down: かがむ •whack: 強く打つ8)21:20 I’m going to vanquish defeat all the other Lawsons in Japan one at a time. •vanquish: 打ち負かす •one at a time:一人ずつ9)25:20 Even thought my job was to plan, I would say you are more of the tech guy, so when it comes to our failure, to livestream, I would say we are both at fault. ・at fault:責任がある10)30:50 In Japanese culture, it’s more important to show that you have humility. ・humility:謙遜 11)31:25 12)32:10 13)32:20 |
402 | 402. [Strange News] こんにちは赤ちゃん…な話 | 1) 2:35 Don’t make me wash your mouth with soap. 汚い言葉を使っちゃダメでしょ。 2) 2:50 It’s common for mothers to say to threaten children. ・threaten: 脅す 3) 4:30 Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? = watch your language, for dirty words : 言葉遣いに気を付けて ・watch your mouth = be careful, don’t say that : 余計なことは言わないで (more like a not necessary about dirty words) 4) 7:10 These “Best day of my life” T-shirts are flying off the shelves. ・fly off the shelves: 飛ぶように売れる 5) 8:05 But it’s they are continuing to sell like hot cakes. ・ sell like hot cakes:飛ぶように売れる6) 8:15 Nobody wants to miss out on the “Best day of my life” T-shirt and I understand why! ・miss out:(チャンスなどを)のがす 7) 9:20 So I’m going to stock up on the shirts. ・stock up: (在庫などを)仕入れる 8) 14:45 ・incubator: 保育器 9) 16:25 ・fertility drug: 排卵誘発剤 10) 16:55 ・ovulate= egg is released : 排卵する 11) 17:05 So the egg is released, and then the egg , kind of hangs out and waits for you know, the sperm. ・sperm: 精子12) 18:30 If there are more than four babies, the doctor will actually abort like the 5th and 6th and whatever. ・abort: 中絶する 13) 19:35 エコー(超音波検査):ultrasound 14) 22:10 Maybe the man is infertile. ・infertile: 不妊の 15) 28:10 He claims to have eight hundred children. ・claim: 主張する、言い張る 16) 28:25 I know there is a natural biological, like drive for men to want to, you know, spread their seed and have the most children, it’s like a part of animal, right? ・drive: 欲動、衝動17) 29:10 This just seems a little bit over the top. ・over the top: やりすぎの、度を越えた 18) 31:10 These Gender Reveal Parties have become more and more elaborate. ・Gender Reveal Party: 性別披露パーティ ・elaborate: 手の込んだ 19) 39:55 So she reached into her purse and took out the bottle of eye drops. ・purse: (女性の)ハンドバッグ 20) 41:05 So she was freaking out and try putting cold water, she’s trying to pull her eye open, and It was completely shield shut. ・freak out: びびる 21) 42:15 ・cornea: 角膜 ・pupil: 瞳 22) 42:40 It’s the outer part of that kind of bulges out. ・bulge: 出っ張る |
403 | 403. 情熱の先にある「えいぶの道」 | 1) 1:10 I am exploding with gratitude and excitement and passion! ・explode:〈人が〉〔感情などを〕爆発させる2) 12:55 So there are natural trails but it’s like thick natural forest. ・thick forest: 深い森3) 13:55 They are very steep some of them, you have to use a rope to climb. ・steep: 険しい、急な4) 14:10 It’s like the tree roots have become like a stair case, almost. ・staircase: 階段 ・root: 根っこ5) This is way better. ・way better than~: ~よりずっといい6) 26:05 If you walked in a straight line, but I was walking all through the trail. ・walk in a straight line: まっすぐに歩く7) 33:40 You bring your head up to breath, and they are just watching you.8) 36:10 ・chlorine: 塩素9) You feel that yearning that want to be swimming all the time. ・yearning: 切望10) 39:25 I made a bit of a mess. ・make a mess: 散らかす 11) 39:45 12) 40:55 13) 44:05 ・”take” and “bear” are similar. ・negative form only → stand, take Please bear with me. ・”take” is sometime used in not negative |
404 | 404. 誰だってスマホを落とすよ理論の行方 | 1) 3:00 ・report card: 通信簿、通知表 2) 12:50 今度と化け物見たことない= when pig fly:絶対に起こりえない 3) 17:35 grumpy old man ・grumpy:気難しい 4) 20:45 I got it take it back to the grumpy old man. ・take something back:(元の場所へ)持って帰る 5) 24:40 if it happens again, he said he is very confident, the phone is extremely well shield. well shield= completely air tight. ・air tight: 密閉した 6) 26:20 He’s not very pleasant. ・pleasant: 感じの良い、親切な7) 26:55 ・memorabilia: 記憶すべき記念品 8) 27:20 I tried to strike up a friendly conversation. ・ strike up conversation: 会話を始める 9) 29:10 So now my phone is indestructible! ・indestructible : 破壊できない 10) 32:20 It smash the window and came crushing down on the other customers. ・come crushing down: すごい大きな音を立てて倒れてくる 11) 33:45 ・total lunar eclipse: 皆既月食12)36:40 Hit me(with it)! = ask me question 13) 40:10 I’m not that good at writing kanji, but not bad for Canadian. ・for Canadian:カナダ人にしては 14) 43:05 She’s brown-nosing. ・brown-nose:お世辞を言う = give too many complements, lay it on thick 15)45:25 ●前置詞 〇at: とても狭い位置 〇to: ~の方向、目的地 I’m throwing this ball at you → trying to hit me I’m throwing this ball to you → trying to pass me〇on とin get in the car on the car → out side of the car, on top of the car get on the bus (= get in the bus) on→ you can stand or walk You can’t say “get on the car”. 〇with: 道具を使ってやる I work with my computer 〇of: ofの前にあるものが一部、後ろにあるものがその母体 top of the mountain |
405 | 405. [Strange News] ワクチン接種でマリファナ一本サービス! | 1) 1:15 Shall we jump right into it? ・jump right into: すぐに飛び込む 2) 2:25 ・distinct: 行政上の地域、地区 3) 3:05 ・to jab = to stub : 激しく突き刺す 4) 4:10 ・get the jab, get jab = get vaccinated 5) 4:35 Jabs for joints 6) 5:45 ・joint = marijuana cigarette 7) 6:10 So they are giving away, marijuana joints for anyone who comes and gets a vaccine ・give away: (景品、賞金などを)与える、提供する8) 7:25 Like vaccinated front line workers, doctors, nurses…. ・front line: 前線の 9) 7:50 I mean, I wonder like did America just hog all of the vaccines and they have so many that, you know, they have like a surplus of vaccine. ・hog: 独り占めする、分け前以上にとる ・surplus = extra 10) 9:50 They have a shell, and they kind of crawl along the ground. ・crawl along: 這って進む 11) 10:05 ・slow as a snail: ひどくのろい、遅々として進まない ・at a snail’s pace: のろのろと、ゆっくりと12) 12:00 For North Americans, escargot is thought of as like a very refined, like only rich people eat it. ・refined: 上品な、洗練された 13) 14:15 ・tickle: くすぐる 14) 15:10 They squirt out extra slime. ・squirt: (液体を)噴出する 15) 17:05 ・collagen: コラーゲン 16) 20:35 So fucking bizarre! ・bizarre: 奇妙な、一風変わった17) 26:45 I’m looking for the registration office. ・registration office: 登録場所 18) 28:20 ・trespassing: 不法侵入 19) 32:55 As if it’s like someone that you know or that, you know, you have real life interaction with. ・interaction with: ~との付き合い[やりとり・交流] 20) 33:35 After my time ・come along after someone’s time: (人)の時代の後になって現れる、(人)の時代にはなかった 21) 35:40 I guess actually it’s kind of relevant, because in the video, I talked about the moment like, how to confirm you’re a couple. ・relevant: 関係のある、関連(性)のある |
406 | 406. GoGo愛の劇場:ドランク忍者の失敗 | 1) 1:20 I’ve got internet hooked up many times in the past. ・hook up: 接続する2) 5:00 I bundled it together, with my mobile phone. ・bundle ~with: に~を抱き合わせ販売する3) 5:15 And it’s reasonable like internet, and my phone combined, is perhaps a little over 8,000 yen. ・combine: 結びつける、結合する4) 6:25 The wife is actually in charge of the finances. ・in charge of ~: ~を管理して、預かって5) 6:40 ・小遣い: allowance6) 6:55 There is no set way. ・set way to: ~するための決まったやり方7) 8:00 Go out drinking and blow a lot of money. ・blow = to spend money when it’s not necessary: 浪費する blow on~ ex. I blew 300 dollars on drum-can8) 9:40 ・splurge = to spend more money than usual= 贅沢する、散財する ex. Oh, today I’m going to splurge! I’m gonna have nice lunch today. splurge on~ Usually I don’t spend much money on lunch, but today, I’m go and splurge on lunch and get course.9) 16:50 These ones have very dignified. They have a element, soft, white light ・dignified: 凜とした、威厳のある10) 18:55 Live a little! = enjoy yourself! Splurge! Do something fun! Live life to the fullest, Live your life, Enjoy the moment, Enjoy the final things :人生を少しは楽しもう。もっと人生楽しもう! 10) 21:35 11) 22:40 12) 24:25 13) 45:10 |
407 | 407. ネイキッド忍者に格上げしたエイブと詳細欄が気になるヨシ | 407
1) 3:05 2) 4:05 3) 4:45 4) 6:00 5) 12:05 You can’t control what people think, so don’t waste your time. 6) 14:50 7) 16:15 8) 21:50 9) 26:55 10) 29:25 11) 32:00 Yoshi, it’s raining. Make sure you bring an umbrella. →必ず持って行ってね 12) 39:05 13) 43:50 14) 44:25 15) 45:05 |
408 | 408. [Strange News] トップレスがダメなら全裸で勝負!嗚呼、フロリダ… | 408 1) 4:50 There are some landlocked prefectures. ・landlocked: 内陸の2) 10:30 All roads lead to Rome:すべての道はローマに通ず 3) 12:45 4) 17:05 5) 18:45 6) 20:15 7) 23:00 8) 28:15 9) 28:20 10) 32:10 11) 35:25 |
409 | 409. 結婚式のしきたり 日本 vs 西洋 | 1)2:40 I have to cut back on a few things that I really like, in order to adjust my health to be as healthy as possible. •cut back: 減らす2)6:25 I made some mental notes •make a mental note: (注意事項、自戒などについて)心に刻む、心に留めておく 3)14:30 4)19:05 5)22:10 ○It depends on… e.g.)-Are you gonna go on a picnic tomorrow? ○depending on… e.g.)Depending on the weather, I’m gonna go on the picnic tomorrow. 6)26:20 7)26:30 e.g.)-Will the Olympics be held? 8)30:20 9)32:25 e.g.) Some people don’t get a day off even on holidays. -What are your days off? : 何曜日が休み? He’s on holidays now. You should take holidays. 10)35:10 11)38:30 |
410 | GoGoエイブ会話 410. ジャングルヨシと英国紳士のエイブさん |
1) 6:40 ・むかで: centipede2) 9:00 They(lizards) make noises. ・(動物が)鳴く: make a noise, make a sound ・house lizard: ヤモリ 3) 12:15 4) 13:10 5) 15:45 6) 21:35 7) 22:40 8) 27:40 9) 28:35 10) 31:45 11)37:55 |
411 | 411. [Strange News] 仕掛けられた罠とそれにハマる男(ヨシ) | 1)1:00 •go down the rabbit hole: 超現実的な体験をする2)2:00 •bottom feeder : 水底生物 3)2:35 4)4:40 5)5:35 6)6:20 7)11:30 8)48:15 9)19:50 10)23:00 |
412 | 412. お掃除ニンジャ in 犬小屋 | 1) 2:30 We’ve kind of got that schedule figured out. ・figure out:把握する2) 7:35 I think DJ Benkey needs to blow off steam once in a while. ・blow off steam: 憂さ晴らしをする、ストレスを解消する 3) 8:30 4) 11:15 5) 14:45 6) 18:35 7) 19:40 8) 20:25 9) 24:50 |
413 | 413. フルフェイスマスクの罠と”さけるチーズ”の英単語考察 | 1)1:10 I’m gonna go down to Kanto in the beach and kick back in the sand. •kick back:リラックスする、ゆっくりする2)10:40 The summer is in full swing in Okinawa. •in full swing:真っ盛りである 3)14:25 4)14:55 5)15:30 6)16:20 7)16:45 8)18:35 9)28:15 A:When will he be back? 10)29:45 ②peal ③split ④rip 10)36:10 11)38:45 |
414 | 414. [Strange News] 鉄格子に隔てられた恋 | 1) 2:40 We are going to keep it short and sweet. ・short and sweet : 短くて簡潔な2) 4:50 Now, do you want the strange news that blow my mind right off the bat or do you want to save the best for last? ・right off your the bat: すぐに 3) 7:05 4) 9:00 5) 11:10 6) 14:20 7) 15:50 8) 16:05 9) 18:00 10) 18:20 11) 19:00 12) 19:45 13) 19:55 14) 22:45 15) 23:00 16) 23:45 17) 24:00 18) 25:50 19) 29:40 20) 31:05 21) 33:00 |
415 | 415. ヨシの悪巧み vs エイブの反撃 [対面収録] | 1) 1:55 I was a little bit buzz. ・buzz: ほろ酔い気分である2) 4:51 I got used to be jiggled around. ・jiggle around: 軽く揺れる 3) 5:25 4) 6:40 5) 7:55 6) 10:35 7) 11:00 8) 11:40 9) 11:45 10) 13:20 11) 18:55 12) 19:40 13) 21:05 14) 23:35 15) 29:25 16) 31:20 〇 speak something × please tell your name ① talk ② speak ③say ④tell ex) Don’t talk to Eri, she’s always saying crazy things and telling lies. 17) 38:00 18) 38:55 |
416 | 416. 幸運の女神に微笑まれたエイブ | 1)1:00 “to the future” & “for the future” Go go to the future! Saving money for the future.2)2:15 I’m feeling very lucky because I’m on kind of lucky streak. •lucky streak = having a lot of good luck in a row: 幸運が続くこと 3)3:25 4)5:50 5)8:20 6)11:10 7)17:25 8)18:15 the favorite ↔️ the underdog 9)21:00 10)26:20 11)29:45 •I’m gonna go to Okinawa someday. ② one day •I’m gonna go to Okinawa one day this winter. 12)34:40 •I’m going to meet him today. ② be going to go 13)40:40 |
417 | 417. [STRANGE News] 123日 | 1)3:10 Wake up and smell the coffee! : 目を覚ませ!2)5:00 You can’t please everyone. 全ての人を喜ばせることはできない 3)7:30 4)9:40 5)11:25 6)28:10 7)30:00 8)30:35 9)32:15 |
418 | 418. オリンピック スペシャル! “Give it your all!” | 1)2:35 I know you are chomping at the bit to hear my story. •chomping at the bit = very excited and eager like a race horse about to start the race.:うずうずする2)17:40 When my sandal broke, I thought, “Oh no! My luck has run out!” •luck has run out :運を使い果たした 3)14:35 4)15:20 5)18:25 6)21:55 7)22:20 8)25:20 9)32:35 |
419 | 419. 夏真っ盛り!マンゴーマンとスポーツマン | 1)4:20 熟す:become ripe, to ripen2)9:40 •lukewarm:生ぬるい 3)12:15 4)19:30 -ing → describe something I’m exciting! :私は面白い人だ! She is exciting! Every time she gets the ball, I get excited! ワクワクすることを主語にする場合は exciting 5)23:40 ⚫︎I’ve got to (I’ve gotta) = I have to 6)32:00 |
420 | 420. チームワークが叶える夢 | 1)4:00 Maybe she will dominate the sport for years to come. ・dominate:圧勝する(”支配する”を意味する単語なのでスポーツの世界では圧勝する、完勝する、を意味する) ・for years to come: この先ずっと2)13:00 You tend to really be able to turn it on when it counts. ・turn it on: (観客を魅了する技などを)見せる 3)16:00 4)17:45 5)19:15 6)19:40 7)20:20 8)21:50 9)27:00 10)28:30 11)31:20 12)31:50 13)34:10 14)35:45 15)42:20 |
421 | 421. [Strange News] 爆裂!ストレス発散オッサン! | 1)1:55 He’s way up in the sky. •way up →とても高いところについて話す時に使う way up in the sky: はるか上空2)6:10 •monarchy: 君主制 3)6:30 4)6:55 5)7:15 6)8:55 7)9:15 8)9:30 9)14:40 10)17:25 11)18:35 12)18:55 13)21:40 14)21:55 15)27:40 |
422 | 422. 世界中に配信されるエイブの約束と忘れっぽい二人 | 1)6:05 •air care: 排気ガステスト They test your car to make sure it’s not polluting too much. •pollute:汚染する2)6:25 The Gas that comes out is called emissions, comes out of your exhaust. •emission:排気 •exhaust:排気装置 3)10:25 4)18:55 5)20:00 6)24:20 7)30:35 8)39:30 ① appear ① appear Ex) If you do this, it will appear. ② display ③ show Ex) If you click this button, then the start button will show up. |
423 | 423. 7秒間の刹那と隣人の関係 | 1)1:00passed out. The tables have turned. = The situation has changed or reversed. : 形勢が逆転する2)2:10 Blast from the past: 過去の楽しい出来事、懐かしい思い出 3)3:55 4)4:50 5)5:00 6)9:30 7)13:25 8)13:55 9)18:50 10)20:40 11)23:50 12)24:15 13)26:30 14)28:55 15)31:35 16)34:00 17)34:45 |
424 | 424. [Strange News] 雷とヨシの怒り | 1)3:55 As you know, New York is on the coast. •on the coast: 海岸に ちなみに •off the coast:沖合に2)4:35 People say it’s one in a million chance. 百万分の一の確率、千載一遇 3)8:00 4)8:10 5)9:10 6)13:15 7)15:55 8)19:05 9)19:35•wheelbarrow:一輪車 10)27:10 11)27:45 12)29:45 13)30:20 |
425 | 425. アンカーを下ろした僕たちと夏のおもひで | 1)2:25 Anchors aweigh!: いかりをあげろ!2)12:15 He has a quick wit. •have a quick wit: 機転が効く 3)13:50 4)19:25 5)23:20 6)32:00 7)32:40 8)34:50 |
426 | 426. 二人ともエブった話( ;・з・) | 1)7:35 •feast= really big meal :ごちそう2)8:10 取っ手がとれる: handle is removable , one handle is detachable 3)10:30 4)18:40 5)19:15 6)20:00 7)24:10 8)32:00 9)35:05 |
427 | 427. [Strange News] 隊長に敬礼!ガーー!! | 1)8:45 plant = someone secretly put drug or something in your bag : (盗聴器、盗品、麻薬などをこっそり)置く、仕掛ける2)9:35 The police officers planted drugs in his bag, and then arrested him, and then got a bribe. •bribe: 賄賂 3)16:55 4)18:05 5)18:15 |
428 | 428. 人参とキャベジンとイタリア人の間で揺れる二人 | 1)13:20 Is it like what life form do you want to be or is it like who do you want to be? •life form: 生命体2)14:00 So it’s like I get to have my life up until now, and then next life I get to be something else or do I have to sacrifice my current life. •up until now : 今まで(は) 3)18:40 4)28:30 5)28:55 6)34:55 •eh/ aye/ ay/ ei (not tag question) 7)36:20 •tag question: 付加疑問文(isn’t it?など) We’re getting a bonus soon, aren’t we? 8)37:25 9)40:10 10)41:20 |
429 | 429. テント内の攻防と空飛ぶ魚を目撃したエイブ | 1)0:45 Flying fish, freezing cold, blistering hot. •blistering hot = extremely hot: 非常に暑い2)2:15 秋分の日: Autumn Equinox day 3)5:30 4)7:50 5)10:40 6)11:15 7)13:10 8)16:30 9)19:05 10)23:35 11)24:35 12)29:40 13)34:30 ②because Ex. “The camp ground was a little cold at night since it’s thousands meters high.” 14)41:50 15)42:05 16)43:00 |
430 | 430. [Strange News] 科学が解決する環境問題 | 1)4:25 It was glowing very bright. •glow: 輝く、光る2)15:05 •molecule: 分子 •compound: 化合物 3)16:35 4)16:50 5)18:30 6)22:00 7)23:35 |
431 | 431. 今年も逆行する年齢とパン屋のあの子を落とす方法 | 1)0:25 Anchor, get your voice out there! アンカー キミの「声」を届けよう2)3:40 Yes, Okinawa has been under the state of emergency for month and month. •under the state of emergency: 緊急事態宣言下 3)12:20 4)15:00 5)18:00 6)42:35 7)48:00 |
432 | 432. 夫がフッ素でおっとっと。 | 1)2:35 You’ll get the ideas out. アイディアを引き出す2)16:40 満足は幸福である Content man is happy. Content is happiness. 3)25:50 4)38:05 5)41:20 6)42:00 7)42:35 8)43:10 9)44:00 10)47:25 31:20 18:25 |
433 | 433. [Strange News] リーアル カリフォルニア 忍者 | 1) 2:00 ・dude: (俗) やつ、男、野郎(俗)2) 2:30 ・Navy Seals: アメリカ海軍特殊部隊 3) 3:30 4) 4:45 5) 7:15 6) 7:25 7) 9:00 8) 10:40 9) 12:00 10) 12:20 11) 12:30 12) 14:10 13) 15:45 14) 16:50 15)17:50 16) 20:10 17) 20:45 18) 22:10 19) 24:15 20) 27:10 21) 34:10 |
434 | 434. 破られた記録と「間違ったらどうしよう症候群」への対処法 | 1) 2:35 言い張る:insist2) 5:55 I highly doubt. 非常に疑わしい 3) 15:35 4) 16:50 5) 22:45 6) 38:40 7) 40:25 |
435 | 435. ボーイズ ウィークエンド♪ | 1) 0:20 Because we’re doing recap now. ・recap = recapitulate : 要約2) 2:50 My voice cracked. ・crack: 声がかれる 3) 3:45 4) 11:25 5) 26:40 6) 27:30 7) 32:20 8) 34:10 |
436 | 436. [Strange News] ネイキッド アート | 1) 7:20 ・mountain range: 山脈2) 10:25 When you are on a deep mountain trail, you really don’t want to go off the trail. ・go off the trail: 道を外れる 3) 11:05 4) 12:25 5) 13:50 6) 16:20 7) 20:00 8) 20:25 9) 22:05 |
437 | 437. カナダ出発前のいざこざと、ゲームの話 | 1) 3:10 That’s neither here nor there. 取るに足らないこと、関係ない2) 3:55 ・proof of vaccination certificate: ワクチン接種証明書 3) 7:15 4) 9:00 5) 10:30 6) 14:55 7) 18:00 8) 23:40 9) 32:55 |
438 | 438. カナダからのエイブ | 1) 5:15 I completely crashed. ・crash:寝る(スラング。ベッドにcrashしたいほど疲れていて眠りにつきたい状態を表す)2) 7:45 She stuck a long cotton swab. ・cotton swab: 綿棒 3) 8:20 4) 14:50 5) 16:15 6) 25:10 7) 27:35 8) 27:51 9) 29:35 10) 33:50 11) 38:30 12) 40:00 Abe: I don’t really feel any big difference. It depends on how you say it. Yoshi: ①の方が柔らかい。Abeは①の言い方が多い。 |
439 | 439. ビバ!Boys’ Weekendとパパローソンのジョークにタジタジのヨシ | 1) 5:00 And first thing we did was get the boat row out into the ocean. ・row out: 漕ぎ出す2) 8:15 split one’s side with laughter (laughing) 腹を抱えて笑う = laugh one’s ass off. 3) 16:00 4) 17:30 5) 28:15 |
440 | 440. [Strange News] ガリアノ島の伝説 | 1) 4:05 You don’t have to twist my arm. ・twist someone’s arm: 無理強いする、強制する2) 11:05 There was a couple who did, kind a artificial insemination. ・artificial insemination: 人工授精 3) 11:20 4) 12:25 5) 12:35 6) 13:40 7) 14:55 8) 16:15 9) 23:10 |
441 | 441. エクレアの隣人 | 1) 2:45 ・downpour: 土砂降りの雨、豪雨 = pissing rain = rain cats and dogs.2) 7:25 All good thing come to an end. = What gose up must come down. どんな良いことにも終わりがある 3) 13:55 4) 16:35 5) 21:55 6) 32:30 7)40:20 ①I don’t think it’s gonna rain hard. 8) 42:10 9) 42:50 Yoshi: Hey Abe, stop brushing your teeth in a shower. Are you coming to a party tonight or what? 10) 47:40 |
442 | 442. 海外からの帰国時に注意すべきこと | 1) 3:55 I’m kind a guy who likes to play itby ear. ・play it by ear: 臨機応変にやる2) 10:30 So when I landed, I started looking up like,the procedure to geting back into Japan. ・procedure: 手続き 3) 23:05 4) 24:20 5) 24:50 6) 25:50 7) 26:45 8) 28:20 9) 29:35 10) 40:30 11) 41:35 ・Please come and see us after 2 weeks. 12) 45:45 |
443 | 443. [Strange News] アメリカンスペシャル! | 1) 5:05 He was getting drunk and high. = He’s doing some kind of drugs.stoned: (マリファナで)ハイになった high→ can be only for drug 2) 10:45 3) 15:25 4) 25:10 5) 25:30 6) 27:25 7) 28:00 8) 28:25 9) 29:50 10) 30:55 11) 33:25 |
444 | 444. 満月エピソード | 1) 1:55 I am going stir crazy.:同じ場所に閉じ込められて気が変になって (この”stir”は「刑務所」の意)・go stir crazy = get(have) cabin fever 2) 14:25 |
445 | 445. 奇妙な夢を見たエイブ | 1) 8:30 But now I feel like a million busks.= I feel great とても気分が良い ・buck = 1ドル2) 13:05 I snuck into the airport ・sneak into: もぐりこむ、忍び込む 3) 16:00 4) 16:30 5) 18:05 6) 21:15 7) 35:10 8) 45:35 9) 47:40 |
446 | 446. [Strange News] イタリアン歯医者さんのワクチン接種詐欺 | 1) 0:55 I’m in a good mood today, Yoshi! ・be in a good mood: 機嫌がいい2) 2:10 I want to lay off America. ・lay off:そっとしておく、構うのをやめる = give a break 3) 2:55 4) 7:40 5) 10:30 6) 18:20 7) 19:45 8) 27:05 |
447 | 447. 干潮満潮エピソード | 1) 9:10 ・pigment: メラニンなどの色素2) 15:20 Your mother is moving to Okinawa for good. ・for good: 永遠に 3) 19:55 4) 32:10 日本語から英語になったもの 37:00 38:25 5) 40:35 6) |
448 | 448. 小さな幸せエピソード | 1) 0:30 I’m on cloud nine:最高にハッピーで = walking on sunshine, couldn’t be happierちなみに on cloud ten:最高以上に最高にハッピー 2) 3:30 3) 6:00 4) 6:30 5) 11:45 6) 13:10 7) 15:50 8) 17:50 9) 26:30 10) 26:50 11) 29:05 12) 29:30 13) 30:55 14) 37:25 |
449 | 449. [Strange News] 日本上陸なるか?ボクシングデー! | 1) 0:55 ・boxing day: クリスマスの翌日、12/26 郵便配達や使用人など日ごろサービスを提供してくれる人たちに箱に入れたギフトを贈る日2) 6:30 The police officer pulled him over and came to his window and right away he smell alcohol. ・pull over:(車を)路肩によせる、停止させる 3) 7:50 4) 10:40 5) 13:30 6) 14:00 7) 15:50 8) 18:55 9) 19:20 10) 29:35 11) 32:45 |
450 | 450. 新年の挨拶を英語でするには… | 1) 1:25 How to lift your spirit when you are feeling down. ・lift someone’s spirit:人を元気づける2) 3:55 When she was rescued, she was on death’s door. ・be on the death’s door:死にかけている 3) 5:30 4) 6:00 5) 18:50 6) 21:50 7) 24:25 8) 29:15 9) 29:20 10) 33:00 Christmas・・Christian holiday Message sample by Abe ① Happy new year! I hope 2022 brings you to happiness, good fortune, wishing you all the best in 2022. ② Thank you very much for all your kindness in 2021. I hope we get a lot of chances to meet in 2022. ③ Thank you for all for your kindness in 2021, looking forward to making many happy memories with you in 2022. ④ Hi Yoshi, how have you been? We are all doing fine, thanks for asking in the new year’s card you didn’t send.(irony) ⑤ Season’s greetings! I hope you are spending a happy time with your family and enjoying a holiday. ⑥ A happy new year! 11) 44:20 12) 56:05 13) 1:01:35 |
451 | 451. 今年も新年の抱負はいつものアレですw | 1) 6:35 I’m gonna start the year off on the right foot. 出足が好調である2) 9:05 Because your ribs kind of makes a cage to protect your organs. ・rib cage: 胸郭 ・organ: 臓器 3) 10:10 4) 10:35 5) 11:55 6) 12:05 7) 14:25 8) 17:45 9) 19:30 10) 22:25 11) 29:50 12) 32:15 13) 34:30 14) 40:35 15) 49:35 |
452 | 452. 50歳、カナダ留学を決めた男の話 | 1) 1:35 Looking out of the window and watching the snow pile up. ・pile up: 積み重なる2) 3:05 But it’s very rare where you see like one foot of snow. one foot:片足 = 12 inches = 30cm 3) 3:40 4) 5:45 5) 6:15 6) 9:55 7) 16:15 8) 19:30 9) 24:30 10) 39:30 |
453 | 453. [Strange News] 人間っぽい豚とは? What’s a “Human-ish” Pig? | 1) 2:25 And he could hear some rustling coming from outside of the window. ・rustle: サラサラ(カサカサ)と鳴る2) 4:40 They heard moaning. ・moan: ① うめく、うめき声を出す ②不平を言う= complain 3) 7:45 4) 8:45 5) 9:00 6) 12:25 7) 13:15 8) 13:35 9) 16:45 10) 17:00 11) 19:45 12) 21:35 13)23:55 |
454 | 454. マイケル・ローソンより愛を込めて | 1)2:35 Right, it’s some kind of rodent, eats the coffee beans and poops them out… •rodent: げっ歯動物2)4:30 It drives me nuts. •drive someone nuts:腹立たせる、イライラさせる 3)8:00 4)9:10 5)10:25 6) 13:50 7)14:55 8)19:55 9)20:20 10)20:40 12)26:55 13)35:25 14)41:55 15)44:35 16)44:50 |
455 | 455. コサックダンサーエイブとHappy bi***day ヨシ | 1) 5:35 I’m rocking him in my arms. ・rock someone in one’s arms: (人)を抱いてあやす2) 15:20 So you ate the wasabi and then you fliped out running around… ・flip out: ひどく興奮する 3) 18:30 4) 21:20 5) 24:35 6) 25:05 7) 28:10 8) 28:55 9) 31:30 10) 32:20 11) 35:50 12) 38:15 13) 40:00 14) 40:20 15) 41:25 |
456 | 456. [Strange News] コカイン河馬問題 | 1) 2:50 And he seems to be very tense. ・tense: 緊張した、張り詰めた2) 5:00 And then the posts of the video him farting kind of went viral. ・go viral: 拡散する、バズる (viral はvirusの派生語。) 3) 8:10 4) 8:20 5) 10:00 6) 11:30 7) 11:50 8) 12:55 9) 14:40 10) 15:05 11) 16:15 12) 17:00 |
457 | 457. あの人が「笑いの薬」を持って帰ってきました! | 1) 3:40 ・happy-go- person: のんきな人、楽観的な人2) 4:00 I feel like the walls are closing in on me. ・the walls are closing in on someone: 包囲網が狭まる 3) 5:30 4) 15:10 5) 24:35 6) 31:15 7) 32:00 8) 32:40 9) 33:35 10) 34:55 |
458 | 458. 作りすぎたTodoリストと夢を見るタイミング | 1)5:00 I like making a to do list because it feels good to cross things off the list. •cross off〜a list: リストから〜をはずす2)5:30 It gets it going. •get something going: 何かを始めることに成功する 3)6:35 4)9:00 5)9:35 6)9:50 7)14:15 8)19:20 9)23:30 10)24:20 11)26:05 12)30:30 13)34:25 14)35:15 15)36:35 16)41:05 17)44:10 18)49:35 |
459 | 459. [Strange News] 今月の電気代は… 高過ぎっ!!! | 1)2:25 •keep someone company: 〜と一緒にいる2)3:55 •electricity bill: 電気代 3)6:50 4)7:55 5)14:55 6)21:30 7)22:50 8)29:15 9)33:45 10)38:55 |
460 | 460. プロフェッショナルなエブりとフレンズポッドキャスト | 1)1:30 I have got my fingers on the trigger. = ready to go2)6:25 You can just come and spend like an hour, feed the cat, give her some pets, and she’ll be happy. give her some pets : 撫でる 3)10:15 4) 14:30 5)16:30 6)19:15 |
461 | 461. 6周年ありがとう!皆様と歩んだエブり話 | 1)1:15 Especially now that I live in a house, snow has become a bit of a pain in the neck. •pain in the neck = pain in the ass2)4:25 If you don’t want your goggles to fog up, you should put them on and leave them on. •fog up:(ガラス、窓などが)曇る 3)6:40 4)8:40 5)10:05 6)11:10 7)13:40 8)29:40 9)29:50 |
462 | 462. [Strange News] こんまりさんの大ファン “Unicorn Sparkles〜”さん | 1)1:40 •birth certificate: 出生証明書2)3:20 The baby is a blessing. •blessing: ありがたいこと、恵まれたこと 3)9:15 4)10:15 5)12:45 6)14:20 7)14:40 8)22:10 |
463 | 463. 沖縄行きを決めたエイブと魔女とカメレオンの関係 | 1)0:15 Give it a shot! : やってみよう!2)0:25 I’m living a dream.: 夢を叶える、夢を実現する 3)5:15 4)7:35 5)8:40 6)9:55 7)15:05 8)16:50 9)21:25 10)22:45 11)24:15 12)33:30 13)34:05 14)37:50 15)40:05 |
464 | 464. 沖縄目前のエイブとお手軽な国内留学のお話 | 1)3:25 •nodding off: うたた寝、居眠り2)11:10 You had a blast. •have a blast: とても楽しい時間を過ごす 3)11:40 4)13:55 5)17:40 6)32:10 7)21:35 8)25:20 9)33:10 10)35:15 |
465 | 465. [Strange News] ホット那覇ナイツ | 1)3:30 I walked very long walk home, and that kind of sobered me up. •sober up: 酔いを覚ます3)6:45 He tried the door and realized it’s unlocked. •try the door : 取っ手を動かしてみる 4)9:10 5)12:50 6)18:30 7)19:10 |
466 | 466. 瀬底より愛を込めて | 1)2:40 こぶしをつくる: make a fist2)2:55 •pros and cons: 良い点と悪い点 3)4:15 4)6:45 5)7:50 6)9:40 7)9:50 8)11:10 9)16:30 10)17:35 11 )20:40 12)20:45 13)25:50 14)30:55 |
467 | 467. 沖縄後に変化したエイブと、もうひとりのABEのお話 | 1)5:40 Joyfulness creates joyfulness. It’s infectious. •infectious: (病、感情、言葉遣いなどが人から人に)伝わりやすい、うつりやすい = contagious2)13:40 I’m breaking the habit, and going cold turkey. •go cold turkey = quit something completely, suddenly : きっぱりやめる 3)15:15 4)16:35 5)24:55 6)26:15 |
468 | 468. [Strange News] “Witch Doctor”の産み分け方 | 1)8:20 He was on a 2 days bender = continue drinking or doing drug. •bender:大酒を飲むこと2)9:00 •seagull: かもめ 3)10:30 4)14:30 5)15:55 6)16:05 7)24:25 8)25:55 9)26:15 |
469 | 469. ヨシおじさんの頑張りを鼓舞するエイブ | 1)3:10 She went into heat. •go into heat:発情する2)7:30 It is what it is. You can’t change it, you have to accept it, and make the best of the situation. -Abe’s haunting words 3)9:00 4)17:40 5)19:55 6)30:55 |
470 | 470. 電話が来たぞ!いとこのエブーチ!デザイン発表♪ | 1)16:00 しらす: baby sardine, whitebait 白子: soft roe, milt fish cum •cum: 精子= sperm, semen2)18:05 It’s kind a damn. •damn: クソ 3)18:30 4)21:25 •infantry: 歩兵 5)22:45 6)32:25 |
471 | 471. ♬エイブは木を切る〜ヘイヘイホー! | 1)5:00 And apparently, he totally fucked up the contracts. •fuck up: 台無しにする、ダメにするContracts are all weird and messed up and they didn’t have the hanko. •be messed up: めちゃくちゃだ 2)7:00 3)10:00 4)12:30 5)21:40 Yoshi→②人物を主語にした方が文章を作りやすい 6)30:55 7)36:15 8)36:30 9)38:40 |
472 | 472. [Strange News] 90回以上ワクチン接種受けたドイツ人 | 1)5:10 ・火葬: cremation2)10:40 very corny music video ・corny: つまらない、古くさい 3)13:40 4)20:20 5)23:25 |
473 | 473. 柚子ツリーの運命 | 1)4:20 I took a good look at the tree in my garden. ・take a good look at:~をよく見る2)6:10 But the roots go so deep. 根っこはとても深く伸びる 3)17:15 4)30:40 5)30:55 “I have failed you, Anakin.I have failed you.” 6)32:05 7)33:10 8)36:55 9)37:45 |
474 | 474. つるつるヨシが出来るまで | 1)2:05 But I ordered some experimental items. ・experimental: 試験的な2)2:45 ・ラグラン:raglan 首から袖の下部分まで斜めに切り替え線がはいったデザイン ・七分袖:3/4 sleeve, therr-quarter 3)7:30 4)8:55 5)15:35 6)18:40 7)20:45 8)25:10 9)40:40 10)42:05 |
475 | 475. [Strange News] “The World’s Largest P***s Museum” | 1)1:10 I was trying to crack you up. ・crack up:大爆笑させる2)1:20 pretending pick my nose ・pick one’s nose: 鼻をほじる 3)6:50 4)9:30 5)16:55 6)18:55 7)20:55 8)23:52 9)25:20 10)27:05 |
476 | 476. ジョニー、この辞書おすすめだよっ! | 1) 3:50 I it’s capturing peoples’ attention because people are getting to kind of look inside the private life of a super celebrity. ・capture someone’s attention to: (人)の関心[注意・気]を引く[引き付ける]2) 6:10 Especially the public and media tend to be a little harsh on women more often. ・be harsh on: (人に対して)厳しい 3) 7:35 4) 7:50 5) 12:35 6) 15:55 7)16:35 8) 20:50 *heal *comfort = make you feel relax, feel safe *soothe :なだめる、落ち着かせる、安心させる *therapeutic: 癒す力のある *cathartic: 精神業過作用のある、カタルシスを起こさせる 9) 28:30 10) 31:10 11) 38:25 12) 39:35 13) 40:30 |
477 | 477. VRヘッドセットもらって下さい!ガッデム三半規管スペシャル! | 1) 0:40 I’m blowing my conch. ・conch:ほら貝2) 1:15 tickets are running out. ・be running out: 残り少なくなっている、なくなりそうだ 3) 6:10 4) 7:10 5) 15:50 6) 18:40 7) 21:00 8) 23:15 9) 27:35 10) 31:05 11) 34:30 either neither =not~either A: Do you like chocolate or vanilla? B: I like neither of them.(“Neither.” のみでもOK) B = B’ |
478 | 478. [Strange News] フランス人のスパイダーマン | 1) 1:40 I confessed to you. ・confess: 告白する2) 4:35 ・shrivel up: 縮む、しなびる 3) 6:15 4) 9:65 5) 10:55 6) 11:55 7)16:25 8) 18:20 9) 25:35 10) 26:10 |
479 | 479. ドランク忍者:成功と失敗のはざまで | 1) 1:30 ・way back in time: 昔にさかのぼって2) 2:20 Usually that’s when rebelious phase begins. ・rebelious phase: 反抗期 3) 3:15 4) 5:25 6)18:35 7) 29:25 8) 35:30 play into・・ordinary from “play card games.” “play” also means “trick” |
480 | 480. 忘れ物エイブと詐欺にやられるヨシ | 1) 1:20 ・geezer: オヤジ2) Now Yoshi, you’ve making me feel very insecure. ・insecure: 不安な 3) 6:50 4) 7:00 5) 10:00 6) 16:15 7) 17:45 8) 21:30 9) 24:40 10)28:10 11) 31:20 12) 31:50 13) 41:15 |
481 | 481. [Strange News] インド人強盗の悪 | 1) 3:00 I’ve got to stay alart. ・stay alart: 油断しない、警戒を怠らない2) 3:30 ・false alarm: デマ 3) 5:05 4) 9:30 5) 20:40 6) 25:20 |
482 | 482. 失くした電話と滝汗のヨシ | 1) 3:35 You don’t have to nit pick my words. ・nitpick: 細かいことをうるさく言う、あら探しをする2) 5:35 ・part ways: 別れる = go different direction 3) 9:25 4) 20:30 5)22:50 6) 33:45 7) 35:00 8) 42:20 |
483 | 483. 最高の夜と最長の英単語 | 1) 0:40 We are rolling. Are you rolling? ・roll: 始める2) 3:55 My lovely little cat is curled up on my lap. ・curl up: 丸まって寝る ・lap: 膝 3) 4:10 4) 10:50 5) 16:05 6) 22:40 7) 25:00 8) 25:55 9) 28:45 10) 33:30 11) 34:40 12) 35:25 13) 39:50 14) 43:05 15) 49:50 |
484 | Coming soon! -You can check out the latest one on twitter.- |
485 | 485. 近所の木村さんが勇者だった件について | 1) 2:00 So I was dog sitting. ・house sitting = take care of someone’s house 2) 3:30 3) 6:20 4) 7:15 5) 7:50 6) 8:40 7) 8:55 8) 11:20 9) 13:50 10) 20:20 11) 21:55 12) 28:45 13) 30:10 14) 36:50 15) 42:45 |
486 | 486. エイブ牧師、愛を語る | 486 1) 2:20 ・pick= ①chose = ②grab something and pull it ・booger: 鼻くそ 2) 4:20 3) 5:00 4) 9:30 5) 13:30 6) 18:20 7) 19:10 8) 19:45 9) 27:05 10) 31:20 11) 31:30 12) 34:05 13) 35:25 14) 36:35 15) 36:50 |
487 | 487. [Strange News] カエルの軍団を作る男 | 1) 6:20 We are going to hit the nail right on a head. ・hit a nail on a head: 核心をつく 2) 9:55 3) 12:30 4) 14:35 5) 15:10 6) 19:10 7) 22:20 8) 24:05 9) 24:20 10) 25:15 11) 26:50 12) 35:00 |
488 | 488. エイブダッドの旅程打ち合わせ | 1) 0:40 Did you enjoy my lip-syncing? ・lip-sync: 口パク 2) 1:10 3) 5:35 4) 7:35 5) 7:55 6) 11:20 7) 17:55 8) 18:15 9) 18:40 10) 26:45 11) 38:10 |
489 | 489. 裸のランナーの悲劇 | 1) 2:35 ・happy wife, happy life! 奥さんが幸せだというのは人生の幸せだ 2) 4:20 3) 7:40 4) 11:05 5) 18:50 6) 23:55 7) 33:30 8) 35:25 9) 37:10 |
490 | 490. [Strange News] 大量のニュースを “RAPID FIRE!” で紹介! | 1) 0:55 ・rpid-fire: (質問などを)矢継ぎ早に言う = one after the other: 次々に、順々に 2) 3:40 3) 4:25 4) 4:55 5) 7:55 6) 11:00 7) 18:50 8) 22:15 9) 27:30 10) 29:05 11) 36:35 12)40:05 13) 40:35 14) 42:00 15) 42:20 16) 43:40 |
491 | 491. パパローソン登場! ーこの親にしてこの子ありー |
1) 1:35 ・馬が合う: hit it off, get along, good chemistry, be on the same wave length 2) 2:15 3) 2:45 4) 5:00 5) 12:05 6) 13:00 7) 18:30 8) 18:50 9) 19:00 10) 22:40 11) 27:10 Thanks from the bottom of my heart. 12) 31:30 By any chance, are you Yoshiharu Sato? 13) 41:00 14) 41:15 15) 45:40 16) 45:45 |
492 | 492. 甚平の着こなしがセクシーなパパローソン |
1) 0:45 It’s crazy how long we’ve been chugging along these podcast railroad tracks. ・chug along: 順調に進んでいく 2) 4:10 3) 6:00 4) 7:00 5) 10:35 6) 11:50 8) 14:50 9) 19:30 10) 25:40 11) 37:30 12) 43:40 |
493 | 493. [Strange News] PUSH a peanut UP a mountain WITH your nose. | 1) 3:55 And the bear was trying to eat the food out of her bird feeders. ・bird feeder: 鳥の餌箱 2) 4:50 3) 6:00 4) 6:30 5) 7:25 6) 8:35 7) 15:35 8) 18:25 9) 21:30 10) 23:20 11) 23:40 12) 24:20 13) 25:00 14) 28:30 |
494 | 494. 外国人が喜ぶ日本のソウルフードの話 | 1) 4:10 She’s always blasting the A.C. ・blast the A.C.: エアコンをガンガンにする 2) 6:30 3) 7:20 4) 12:55 5) 31:00 6) 36:20 We are good to go, team! Are you good? = Are you OK? I’m good. = I’m cool. :結構です (飲食物などの提供の申し出に対して要らないと答える時など) He’s gone for good. ・good riddance: (嫌な人がいなくなって、物がなくなって)厄介払い、清々する、ほっとすること |
495 | 495. 日本に忘れ物をしたパパローソンに電話してみた。 | 1) 1:40 Sometimes it’s better to wipe the slate clean. ・wipe the slate clean: 過去の出来事を帳消しにする、水に流す 2) 2:35 3) 3:25 4) 7:20 5) 8:30 6) 19:50 7) 20:10 8) 20:30 9) 29:55 11) 41:30 12) 42:20 keep at it, it will get easier and easier. ・keep at it = keep it up |
496 | 496. [Strange News] 世界最長寿の動物 | 1) 4:10 ・weeds: (俗)マリファナ 2) 4:50 3) 5:35 4) 7:55 5) 11:55 6) 15:00 7) 17:25 8) 20:55 9) 22:30 10) 23:30 11) 23:55 12) 26:35 13) 30:35 |
497 | 497. 今度はエブーチのお母さん!〜ボンゴのリズムに乗せて〜 | 1) 10:35 It’s kind of faded. ・faded: 色褪せた 2) 15:10 3) 17:35 4) 18:55 5) 19:50 6) 20:20 7) 23:40 8) 25:20 9) 27:25 10) 29:10 quite: けっこう I go there very often: たくさん行く、しょっちゅう行く ≒ a lot quite a while: けっこう長い間 11) 29:55 12) 31:30 13) 34:55 14) 39:30 15) 40:40 |
498 | 498. 完璧なタイミングのエイブと青い彗星のヨシャア | 1)3:55 •silver fox: <元の意味> ギンギツネ、 <slung> handsome man with gray hair. 2)15:10 3)20:30 4)21:40 5)22:25 6)24:05 7)26:35 8)28:45 9)29:45 •find: 気づく (generally after you experience something) ≒think •tell: 知る、わかる 10)37:40 |
499 | 499. [Strange News] A “Dying Wish” & “Bastardized” Pizza in Italy | 499 1) 2:05 I’m feeling blue. = I’ve got the blues. •feel blue: 気分が塞ぐ、滅入る 2) 2:20 3) 3:30 4) 4:30 5) 6:15 6) 8:05 7) 10:30 8) 13:05 9) 15:50 10) 21:05 11) 25:45 |
500 | 500. Episode 500! | 1) 8:45 Another thing is, the live show was not very polished. ・polished: 非の打ち所がない 2) 12:45 3) 15:00 4) 19:00 5) 23:50 6) 28:25 7) 32:40 8) 49:15 9) 52:55 11) 1:13:35 |
501 | 501. ニックネームCatch on大作戦! | 1)0:40 I’m practicing pronunciation using cutting-edge technology. •cutting-edge: 最先端の 2)11:35 3)19:05 4)20:30 5)22:15 6)30:25 7)30:40 8)34:15 9)37:35 10)45:10 11)46:05 |